Logic and principles of health VII – The three designations of being in nature

The so-called Shankhya philosophy from the East, uses a very practical terminology to subdivide the various manifestations of human existence and nature into three different limbs. These are the so-called guna, the qualities of existence, and they are called sattva, rajas and tamas. All visible phenomena and subsequently all human actions can be identified according to this threefold articulation. Read More …

Logic and the Principles of Health II –
Spending time in nature is healthy

After a successful hike in the mountains or around a lake, people almost always feel refreshed and reenergised. While stressful work situations, with their many intellectual exertions, exhaust the nervous system and the autonomic system, the quiet tread of the steps on an alpine pasture and the natural, airy, enveloping atmosphere at the height of the mountains provide a feeling of being taken in and of relaxed protection. Read More …

Guiding the senses and its significance for healing 

Natural sunlight, unfiltered and pure, mild and warming, provides the human organism with a natural stimulation of the periphery, that in general transports structuring processes right into the organic interior. The opposite of the effects of the forming, structuring forces are the many dissolution processes that, for example, occur in inflammation and even in fast growing cancers, in which the tissue does not gain a natural and beautiful form, according to an ordered building up, … Read More …

A persevering orientation towards spirituality leads to transformation of earthly conflicts.

The endeavour to resolve the wrongdoings of the time through discussions, demonstrations, counter-propaganda or generally by trying to point out the mistakes of others, that is, to fight the error, the lie that captivates humanity, does not, as experience shows, lead to any success, but even to the opposite and this is that feelings of despair increase. Read More …

Cases of cancer will continue to increase in the future

One of the strongest influences with health risks is caused by so called chemtrails, by the high, artificially created clouds, that interfere with the natural, incoming rays of sunlight. During a day of good weather, it is possible to observe these high cloud formations, which appear like an increasingly large kind of whitish carpet. Most natural clouds lie lower, whereas the stripes that form artificially flat layers created through geoengineering are very high up and have a completely unnatural almost alienating character. Read More …

Is there freedom without obligation?

In the world those who profit the most are those who lie without consequence and can cleverly back themselves up with commonly used phrases. In projects, spiritual schools, and institutions with alternative goals, people often swindle their way through and evade solid responsibility. While alive, some advantages can perhaps be hoped for through lack of obligation, but really only hoped for, because through lacking responsibility also life becomes poorer already while on earth. In any case, in the afterlife there is no voice that can be used to make excuses to get out of necessary obligation. Read More …