Originally posted in German on 31st December 2023 by Heinz Grill

To predict the weather, which can only be done in a very general way, it is necessary to carry out some precise research into the connection between the human state of being and the meteorological conditions. It is not only nature that makes the weather, but human beings, through their feelings and actions, regulate the relationship between cold and warmth, the wind, storms, floods and droughts.
To study how the weather conditions might be for the coming year, a precise, detailed study of the human organs is also needed. Those forces, which take place in the organism’s building-up and breaking-down of substances, are reflected onto the atmosphere and thus the weather is an expression for the conditions of will, in which an individual, a group of people or an entire nation lives.
As the first organ, the human heart will be considered more closely. This most urgently requires individuals to be ordered with respect to their relationships with other people, to their social environment, to the conditions of the times and ultimately to the whole universe. When many people – and particularly if they are significant personalities who are, so to speak, standing at the threshold to the spiritual world – repeatedly have good success in ordering the personal relationship of their individuality to a whole, the relationship between warmth and cold will be harmonious.
This ordering, however, will happen too little in the coming year, and for this reason, the disposition of the organs of general humanity allows a very great disproportion between warmth and cold to be expected in various regions. In Germany the forecast is somewhat better than in the year that has just ended.
A second organ is the lungs. They regulate the breathing processes and support a sound stability in the physical constitution. Those who have spent a whole day working meaningfully in the fresh air feel calmer in the evening and their consciousness can easily relax. A feeling that human beings belong to this calm, earthly existence relaxes the senses and gives contentment.
Many people lose this calm feeling for the earth, and for the coming year, 2024, the collective radiation precisely from the lungs will contribute to high meteorological disproportionalities. Moisture will rise and wet, unsettled conditions will occur on the land. There will probably not be the picture that the earth becomes completely calm in the coming year. Far more, the sphere will be characterised by constantly rising clouds and falling rain.
The liver has been connected with water since ancient times. As it is very overloaded and its structural forces cannot develop adequately, there will have to be further water catastrophes and all sorts of unfavourable watery conditions that place a burden on health.
These however will be very different from place to place. Italy, has been in recent years, and will continue to be more affected by liver overload and therefore attracts the watery element.
The kidneys indicate a somewhat better prognosis of light and air for 2024. They will give a reasonable dryness, but this too will only appear in limited places. The more human beings attain good encounters and close sensitivity in the sense of a more discerning familiarisation, the more the sphere of air and light is purified from congestion and all sorts of cloudiness. Turbulence in the weather is to be expected, however, all over the world. The kidneys reveal rapid changes in weather.
A great interference in the entire state of the weather comes from Geoengineering. However, what is also significant is the insidiously growing increase in the electrosmog, as this does not only disturb animals in nature, and human health, but also beyond this the natural weather conditions. Although the electromagnetic charge is small in proportion to the entire, general radiation of the sun, it is nevertheless a significant irritant to people, and the weakened and poorly structured human organs will attract weather conditions that place an endless challenge on people’s disposition. Settled weather is not to be expected in a general respect for 2024. It is to be hoped that in North Italy, through the Sun Oasis, the weather can be kept more stable than previously, but unfortunately there is not just the Sun Oasis, but many influences that affect the meteorological conditions.
As a general rule, human beings create the weather conditions themselves and nature merely reacts accordingly.
The next part of the forecast for the year will discuss how lies are reduced.

cold – warmth (picture of the heart)
instability, earth (picture of the lungs)
structural force, the organisational force of water (picture of the liver)
unrest in the air and light conditions (picture of the kidneys)

by Melissa Winter