Originally posted in German on 30th December 2023
A leap in human development will start to become apparent
by Heinz Grill
Flame-like forces in some personalities

Photographed by Martin Sinzinger
The year 2024 will see the kindling of a small fire in some individual personalities, who are vigilant and prudent in their approach to life. They will experience moments of intriguing liberation, as if all heaviness falls from their limbs and the cosmos opens up with its beautiful and best manifestations of light. In the midst of a great deal of tension, illness and suffering some people can bravely rise to a task and experience a fulfilment of meaning in their life directly in their own will.
There are various spiritual currents and varied endeavours to create new cultural havens or generally to sustain better cultural conditions in companies and community events. However, these many collective movements have little meaning for overall development and there will be not be any groups in 2024 that contribute significantly to peace in the world.
The spirit, which in yoga is called bhakti, devotion and loving reverence, is particularly significant. Rudolf Steiner had this ability of devotion to a comprehensive degree, because he could enter into the mysteries of world creation, especially into other people, and scientific areas, in a sensitive, deep and precise way. He developed to a very high level, the particular gift, of overcoming himself and perceptively observing, in their essence, the source-of-being of another person or a soul living in the afterlife. This is a direct and pure form of bhakti-yoga. It will be important for the future.
Unfortunately, in many establishments that teach the classical forms of this Eastern discipline, bhakti-yoga is associated with numerous rituals and a true bhakti-spirit, a spirit of devotion, reverence and loving awareness of high aims and the deep mysteries of the world does not yet exist. A well-founded yoga with the spirit of bhakti, of venerating devotion, has absolutely nothing to do with rituals or with cult-like worship of certain masters and personalities. The individual capacity of heightened empathy and the ability to really place yourself into the reality of other people, creates an actual connection between people and there will be some personalities, who ignite in this spirit for short moments. The discipline of bhakti furthers a great independence and strengthens the foundations of the will in the individual person.
Marginalised personalities gain leadership over the essential cultural issues of the world, because those who are in the stream of the currents of the times, and do not have any deeply founded awareness of the real current circumstances, cannot muster any strength. They lack the flame of the will. Rebellion and proposals for world improvement that are based on purely alternative or even polar awareness will increasingly fail and lead people into hopeless frustration.
Changes to the structure of the personality in 2024
The many lies in the world have less of a hold than in previous years, and nevertheless the destructive force of vināśa, that was described by me last year as a significant feature for the entire year, is well advanced.1) See the article „The year of self destruction – vināśa” from 05.01.2023 It does not end with the next year in fact even gets stronger at times. Humanity is greatly weakened and therefore only small achievements are possible with a lot of perseverance and tireless effort. In some people, however, this first flame-like blossoming force for the future flourishes.
A significant expression for 2024 is the strong change that is taking place in many citizens. People seem apathetic and are looking for ways of compensating for and escaping the unbearable conditions of the time. There will be a kind of symptom, that is not actually an illness but will still mature due to the conditions of the collective indoctrination. The personal individual feeling indicates an illness, experiences it and manifests it to the point of chronic exhaustion. It is a form of autosuggestion that is effective in people today and produces an infinite number of infections, illnesses and suffering of a mild to moderate nature. Unfortunately, human beings are losing their healthy, archetypal, stable physical existence and creating auto suggestive effects that seem foreign to them.
In the coming year there will be a great dividing wall erected between those who feel they are victims and stay in a state of victimhood and those who raise the courage to sacrifice themselves for a greater idea, that strive for a much more lively, greater whole and bring a meaningful force into life via this path of freedom.
In general, the year 2024 will see an extremely large sphere of supposed cosmic light phenomena. People think that a new light will emerge from the cosmos. An illusion? Actually, there is a kind of misleading phenomena in the cosmos with almost tangible radiating forces. Alongside the darkness of the times, that has indeed figuratively sunk down to earth through the illnesses of suggestion and subsequent autosuggestion, a surge arises that is visible to the clairvoyant eye and appears as the result of a projected feeling from the human being. These are hopes, but they have no real basis for the future and yet appear like a collected sphere between the stars. All feelings that people develop are reflected out into the universe and when there are large and strong breakaway movements, they will become visible. These reflections in the cosmos indicate a new movement, one that harbours however one of the greatest relationship illusions imaginable. A blurred, yellow sphere appears rising above the cosmos, when one looks clairvoyantly at the stars. It is precisely those people who believe themselves to be very esoteric and advanced who fall prey to a growing illusion and confuse true connection, creative force and love with attachment. The picture appears as if people are addicted to drugs through groups and esoterism and are creating an illusion of reality.
Anthroposophy needs to be revitalised today, because in 2024 it is characterised by a diluted spirit-lessness. It has surrendered itself to materialistic life for the sake of recognition. As a result, broadly speaking it is losing much of its inner meaning for the mission of peace and culture in the world.
The spirits of the primordial beginning will increasingly rule the coming time
The ruler of the future obtains a very high and exact expression, in the archaic forces, in the so-called archetypal forces, the angels of the Archai. An unusual thing can be found to a striking degree in the way relationships and groups behave today. A half-finished, strange, or a very unwell thought through vision, an Anthroposophy, that ignores or excludes its founder Rudolf Steiner, or a yoga that merely seeks relaxation and a pure, personal increase in energy, are not attacked by the church nor the dissatisfaction of society or the state, while well-founded spirituality, real science and wisdomful concepts for the future are negated, persecuted and labelled with all possible criticisms. Fear of the spirit will project a formidable and devastating role onto the societal system in 2024. For this reason, to bring about development in a spiritual, truthful, scientific and even sound economic respect, courage, the ability to remain upright and with presence of mind towards oneself and others, are the most outstanding qualities for the future.
There will be some simple people who maintain the strength of their vision and raise their ideals to a first sense of meaning. They will remain germinal, but this seed only needs to be sufficiently watered in order to flourish and develop further. The archetypal forces, the angels of the Archai, flow to those people who think sufficiently and realise their vision in a founded and long term manner. However, they themselves must stand firm to the whole extent of their truth, that must reach a universal validity. In contrast to a few people, who, with this sense of meaning, rise up to some first sun rays, there will unfortunately be a broad mass of people that will give themselves up in expectation, passive hope and longing for feelings of attachment to a group and fall ill in the process. They create the illusion mentioned above, the light that is not really suitable for the future. Humanity has been traumatised by the events of our time and it probably cannot be overlooked that the many lies and manipulations have had a paralysing effect on the human mind. When people today feel that they are victims, in a time that is truly a time of suggestion, they are actually reacting in a normal way. Nevertheless, the spirits of the primordial beginning, the angels of the Archai, want to grant the courageous vision of being able to straighten oneself up, and out of the terrible exhaustion generate a new and higher capacity for love with a flame like character.
Unfortunately, a relatively large number of journalists who have reported inaccurately, will not necessarily raise their character, but will instead make use of their victim status.
It is a very great difference whether one feels oneself to be a victim of the adverse conditions of life and in this victim state learns to get attention, or whether despite adverse situations one exhibits an actual readiness to make the sacrifices that an ideal and a new culture requires. The spirits of the time, the Archai, do not want rebellion and they do not want whining or complaining, rather they want wisdomful and focused activity.

The personal position of the individual
To make a forecast for 2024, I have to make a clear statement about myself. I must do this out of a sense of responsibility towards all those who know me and may get to know me, I must present this in a very definitive and unambiguous way. My message, as outlined in part 2, is not a mediumisticaly, channelled manifestation. It is a worked-for view of the various acting spiritual laws and spiritual processes of the time. Therefore, I could never use the words that mediums often use, that an angel speaks through me and under no circumstances can I use the seemingly modest phrase “I may pass on a spiritual message from the Angel Michael today”. In fact, for the sake of clarity, and without fear of marginalisation, condemnation, banishment, accusation and the insult of arrogance, I must, in all responsibility, wrestle my way through to these words, which can be described as follows.
On the one hand, people live on earth. They develop through various phases and when, after many years, they depart, their souls enter the realm of the cosmos or the afterlife in general. The souls experience a particular affinity in the afterlife and even more than this, when they have known me personally, they experience me, that is my person and my statements as their very own centre. The soul during earthly life is subject to the conditions of the consciousness of the times and many an event that would have significance for development can be overlooked, negated or denied. When people say, “I was once with Heinz Grill and it was very nice, but today it does not interest me anymore.” they overlook the depth of the experience. In the afterlife, the encounter with my person will take on the greatest significance, it will become a measure of self-experience and it will become a question of meaning. While in outer earthly life, there can be much compensation, relativisation and levelling out. In the afterlife, however, the essential remains. Now, free from the body in the worlds beyond, the soul experiences how close it has come to its own kernel or, on the other hand, how far away it has remained from it. People who have known me and have departed, experience the core question of their own self and their own true identity in the direct relationship to my person. It is at the centre of the soul’s abidance in the cosmic worlds.
The Soul of Götz Wittneben

Musician and moderator of Neue Horizonte TV
This year, 2023, Götz Wittneben, the excellent presenter and artist, passed away. How does this personality, who supported very good and agreeable dialogues, art and ideas by various well-known contemporaries, experience the existence after death? How does he experience himself today, after death, in a world free of the body? The soul experiences many things, because earthly life brought a large number of connections with contemporary existence. It is not an existence, that is negatively charged, but it could be described in such a way that something was not quite able to be developed in life. Alongside many pleasant, rich initial contacts, he lacked, so to say, the true depth of insightful knowledge. There remains a deficiency. This experience in the afterlife could be described, if the soul were able to speak, as something like this, “In earthly life I had very good, sensitive senses. Now, that I have become free from the body, my perceptions are slowed down, they cannot immediately react with joy.” These words are naturally only like images or synonyms for the afterlife. But longing radiates out of his soul and this is very positive. However, the awareness of depth remains as a task. You would have to call him by the name “Götz” and at first he would not react properly, as he feels as if his hearing has been slowed down, eventually you would have to give him a signal with your hand and suddenly after a long period of trying, he realises that friends are turning towards him. Today, that soul force radiates from him into earthly life that awakens the yearning for human values.
The following lines are written in full awareness that a large number of people will judge them as presumptuous and perhaps even erroneous. Every soul and every encounter carries a mystery in it. Götz Wittneben knew me and yet he did not know me and there was apparently not enough time, for him to explore profound, spiritual content.2) There are two interviews from 2019 that Götz Wittneben conducted with the author, ”Stop spiritual impoverishment” and “Courage for individual spirituality.” (Both in German) However, his soul recognised the depth of my presence in a joint interview during his life time and yet this could not become a real impetus for further development. The encounter, however, remains at the centre of his existence and it is like a point of orientation, that will have significance for the future. It is precisely through this encounter, which has not been fully processed in depth, that the longing for deeper spiritual awareness and the resulting integrity increases in the after worlds. For this reason, this awakening longing for development radiates today from his body free reality. If Götz Wittneben were able to speak again today, he would express the following sentence, “Longing is a driving force, you who have a body keep searching until you have found the essence in the human being.”
The will, if it is well founded, will become realised
In the year 2024, some people will be able to take hold of their will much more clearly than before and they will move towards their aims with a relatively high degree of certainly. Inwardly, they sense that with sufficient effort, success will be achievable for them. Good aims, that are pursued with precision and perseverance will be easier to realise in the following period.
Perhaps a personal remark could be helpful for observation and reflection. What are the feelings and will conditions like for some people and how are they individually founded or matured within? For 2024, for example, I will lead many people who are only grounded in methodical teachings to the spirit of the founder of these methods and, if they are Anthroposophists, to Rudolf Steiner. Furthermore, as before, through me aspects of world creation that have been previously bound will be liberated and wherever I teach and appear, atmospheric changes, healings and growing connections will arise.
At the same time the exclusion of my person will not fall quiet. 2023 brought a maximum denial of my person and quite a few said that the teaching was good, but the person was unbearable. However, my person directly reveals a spiritual and radiating reality and this stands directly opposed to any attachment. Because of attachment, people must rebel against me.
The next observation will be about the weather in 2024.
⇑1 | See the article „The year of self destruction – vināśa” from 05.01.2023 |
⇑2 | There are two interviews from 2019 that Götz Wittneben conducted with the author, ”Stop spiritual impoverishment” and “Courage for individual spirituality.” (Both in German) |