Originally posted on 15th June 2024
by Heinz Grill

The practice of yoga exercises, breathing techniques and meditation has an almost unoverseeable multiplicity of styles. Although the classical yoga positions, the āsana and the important prānāyāna exercises (the specific breathing techniques of yoga) usually seem very similar in their outer form, they allow a wide range of interpretations for individual practice.
Students learn general subjects such as languages, geology, physics or maths for the sake of factual knowledge and are less likely to link their personal self-becoming with this content. Yoga and also the various forms of meditation tend to be used in a very personalised way and it is often the case that practitioners claim for themselves the nice aspects that appear pleasing to them. In principle, however, every exercise can be understood both subjectively and objectively in the context of development and can fit into the natural laws of life.
For the upcoming yoga teachers’ training course from the 4th to 7th July, a number of principles, including those relating to health, that are common to all forms of meditation and yoga or are at least suitable to be used and objectively valid, will be carefully worked out.
Each form of yoga has developed its own individual character. What or which forms, however, are always universally valid and should be experienceable through dialogue? The connecting and the specific individual elements can, through knowledge, become a good professional foundation.
For the future, it is important that different orientations of yoga enter into dialogue, and in order to find common ground, it is necessary to study objective criteria as a whole. The subjective experiences that each individual gains on their path can ultimately be better objectified. Supporting health through conscious activity, for example, is a common concern for many different types of meditation and yoga.
The topic of specific, individual styles and the objective validity of content-rich formulations with their connecting character will be the content of the next training course.
Dates for the next yoga teachers training days:
4th – 7th July 2023
Beginning at 14:30 and ending at 13:00.
This is an invitation for yoga teachers and yoga enthusiasts from a wide range of yoga disciplines.
To book your place please use the following email.