Originally posed in German on 2nd May 2024
Logic and the Principles of Health
The visits to the Sun Oasis for regeneration are increasingly deserving of attention, as most people go back into their lives strengthened, healed or transformed.
However, where lies the secret of becoming healthy? An observation of all those who have returned without healing or significant improvement enables many conclusions to be drawn about the conditions under which the healing process takes place, and its principles.
The commonly used statements, “This exercise has helped me” or, “This form of therapy brought about the decisive turning point” or again differently, “The good energy of my teacher has healed me” are very subjective. Overly simplified interpretations often create an illusionary picture of the real inner sequences of a healing process. The decisive essence that brings about a release of the illness and ensures a healthy regeneration is missing in these very quickly formed opinions.
Much better formulations that correspond to the logic of the principles of health, which are always connected to human development, can sound as follows:
“The activity, I brought to an exercise brought a healing” or, “The way that I entered into a therapy and created a new beginning in my life, gave a decisive turnaround” or again differently, “Turning towards a person, whom I valued, studied and got to know, enabled energy to flow to me and had a very positive influence on the course of my illness”.

A clear, so-called, self-activity can be recognised in most healing processes. For example, people who visited the Sun Oasis and established an active relationship to the exercises, topics and possible future-orientated work and who showed an appreciation of the presentations on offer, improved their health potential considerably and quickly. Even after staying for short periods, they experienced improved physical and psychological strength, regulated some weight issues for the better and, furthermore, gained a new orientation with meaningful content for the future. However, they were all active and took decisive steps towards the opportunities on offer.
Those who merely cultivated passive expectations without establishing an active relationship to contentful topics, usually complained about grievances that were incomprehensible, for example, about the vegetarian, well-prepared food or about some of the exercises that did not fit with the styles that they had learnt so far. In the end, the projections and the illnesses remained and the relationship to the content could not even begin to be established.
It is not exercises and new life concepts that heal people, but their process of becoming, how they shape a relationship with the exercises and how they find their way into growing activity based on their trained thinking, feeling and will. It would probably not even be desirable if there was a yogic panacea or material medication that could work miracles in every case. Self-activity and the question of physical, soul and spiritual development form the core of every healing process.
This topic will be developed in more detail in the coming period with several different examples, explanations and descriptions of health and disease patterns.