Originally posted in German on 2nd November 2023
by Heinz Grill
One of the strongest influences with health risks is caused by so called chemtrails, by the high, artificially created clouds, that interfere with the natural, incoming rays of sunlight. During a day of good weather, it is possible to observe these high cloud formations, which appear like an increasingly large kind of whitish carpet. Most natural clouds lie lower, whereas the stripes that form artificially flat layers created through geoengineering are very high up and have a completely unnatural almost alienating character.1) The existence of chemtrails is considered controversial, even though for years countries, institutions and foundations have been spending a lot of money on geoengineering (see articles in the Forbes and the position of the British Government). Notwithstanding this debate, the existence of unnatural cloud formations and their health effects are evident to those who observe in an unbiased way.
Forbes article https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/
British Government website https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/geo-engineering-research-the-government-s-view/uk-governments-view-on-greenhouse-gas-removal-technologies-and-solar-radiation-management
The human organism needs natural sunlight which in moderation enlivens the senses and the periphery and with this organises them in a subtle way. Very strong exposure to the sun with unprotected skin which easily leads to irritation and burning, is known to be very unhealthy and can encourage keratoses or even dangerous melanomas. However, the consciousness absolutely needs completely natural sunlight, as it awakens structure-forming and life-promoting forces. Clear light brings joy to the eyes and the delicately caressing warmth touches not only the skin but the whole personal state of mind. In nature, when a summer is humid and warm and yet receives little clear sunlight, the plants tend towards long straggly growth. The whole earth and human consciousness need favourable, clear sunlight without modifications that shield it.
Sunlight does not have a direct growth promoting effect but rather forms structure and indirectly contributes to growth through photosynthesis. When the dew weighs down on the leaves and the branches of the trees in the early morning, the whole of nature still seems heavy and as if pressed down. With the first rays of sun, the individual leaves and grasses lift up very quickly and the whole structure visually appears more fully differentiated. However, when do plants grow? They grow in the night phases and in shady conditions. Amidst sunlight no direct growth process take place but rather a structuring with differentiation of the delicately divided forms.
The picture of cancer
Cancer expresses a rampant, unstructured, hyperplastic growth of entire cell clusters as a result of a weakening of the whole immune system and the human organism. The cells begin to respond pathologically with a life of their own. Both the human consciousness, as well as, the overall ability of human beings to meaningfully raise themselves up against the influence of various stresses, critically decreases. The disease cancer can be explained, amongst other things, by the fact that the organising and forming forces slip below a critical margin and the organism generates false, cell proliferating growth processes.

Although many carcinogenic influences enter through direct environmental pressures on the organism and general psychological pressures of stress produce increased phases of exhaustion and although the various traumatic psychological influences must be accepted, unprocessed, it is still a, not to be underestimated, additional stress, when the human organism can no longer receive the right, pleasant and refreshing sunlight. The structure forming natural incoming rays of sunlight in the right amount have an anti-depressive effect and support the motivation of people’s will. Days that begin with clear heavens and a rising sun, quite naturally awaken the human impulse for action and future perspectives can more easily be thought.
The high, shielding stripes which spread out and eventually merge to form a complete mesh of clouds, appear as if a kind of moon sphere is pushed into the cosmic sphere during the day. This light takes on a pale, slightly subdued character and encourages, in a not insignificant way, unstructured growth processes. How does human consciousness experience the flat, high and artificially made blanket of cloud? The eyes look up in concern and a quiet feeling of powerlessness directly takes hold of the consciousness, that consciously or unconsciously registers this artificial sphere. An almost alien, phantom like being spreads out in cosmic heights. The observer searches for the expanse of the blue sky and to their dejection they now have to impress the deplorable axiom on their memory, that this shielding is necessary because of global warming and is only for their own good. But how much is nature and mankind suffering both physically as well as mentally from these disastrous, artificial influences?
Why are there more and more experiments and endeavours on humanity starting today, the consequences of which have hardly been considered? The answer to this question is very difficult because it is not very easy to arrive at a definitive and quickly explained answer. Some say that military purposes form the background, others, on the other hand, focus on economic power struggles and other people say that there is a drive to decimate humanity and create catastrophes. None of the answers that have been considered so far have been able to provide a logical ascertainability or a really coherent model of explanation. If the human psyche is observed and the unformed and deeply rooted life of human drive is looked at, one becomes more and more aware of a total loss of balance. With some sensitivity it can be clearly recognised that people have an unused and unwisely steered potential at their disposal, and are now unable to introduce this into appropriate societal, cultural and ethical concerns. From a certain point of view, a psychopathology, that sets in out of this constantly increasing imbalance in people’s powerful drives, is the cause for escessive and destructive actions in world affairs. People take pleasure in experimenting on humanity and employ their unrefined drive, by bringing power into the world with technology. Their drive, to play with the fire, is greater than their reason. The temptation to use the great technical achievements that have been developed by humanity, experimentally and with powerful, curious fervour, is extraordinarily great. If a powerful weapon, that has been developed, is placed into the hands of a young man, he would probably not be able to restrain himself from using it. Unfortunately, the drive of people today tends towards psychopathic experiments and sees in this a particular progressiveness.
How can people protect themselves from the effects of geoengineering?
When the heavens are artificially covered with heavy metals, it takes the sun light away from extended areas. Individuals could take refuge indoors and be less exposed to the “moon-affected” day light. The artificial sources of light are not, however, sufficient to replace healthy sunlight. They do not sufficiently enliven the periphery, the skin and the senses and therefore do not have a structuring effect right into the inner organs. The cosmos, the expanse of space and the clear light sphere are missing. Therefore, individuals can probably not protect themselves by fleeing from the phenomena, that loom in the high altitudes of the air. The paths must come to development in another way.
That health supporting force, that individuals can develop in their soul and which acts as a substitute for the sunlight, arises out of healthy and free processes of perception of the senses themselves. Citizens of today must in addition to a logical shaping of life with content, in particular train the ability that is described in yoga as pratyahara2) Pratyahara is the fifth limb of the eight stage yoga path described in Patanjali’s yoga sutras. It is the disciplining of the perception of the senses., the right withdrawal of the senses. On the one hand the processes of perception are encouraged in a particular way with pratyahara and on the other certain restless and one sided motoric impulse forces must be held back from the perceptual processes. When individuals are able to steer the perception processes in a favourable and objectively ordered manner, they develop a particular strengthening for their immune system and can, for example, establish a new balance with respect to the disease-causing influences of the times. Although these methods are not unnatural or particularly difficult, they require practising perseverance and discerning diligence. Nevertheless, they are accessible for all people and independently of confession and beliefs they could constitute a kind of foundation for all physical, soul and spiritual development.3) See also the author’s book: Erklärung, Prophylaxe und Therapie der Krebskrankheit (Description, prophylaxis and therapy of cancer), Lammers-Koll-Verlag (not yet translated into English).
In the next article the basis for steering the senses and development of perception, which enable a healing intervention of the immune system will be described.
⇑1 | The existence of chemtrails is considered controversial, even though for years countries, institutions and foundations have been spending a lot of money on geoengineering (see articles in the Forbes and the position of the British Government). Notwithstanding this debate, the existence of unnatural cloud formations and their health effects are evident to those who observe in an unbiased way. Forbes article https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/ British Government website https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/geo-engineering-research-the-government-s-view/uk-governments-view-on-greenhouse-gas-removal-technologies-and-solar-radiation-management |
⇑2 | Pratyahara is the fifth limb of the eight stage yoga path described in Patanjali’s yoga sutras. It is the disciplining of the perception of the senses. |
⇑3 | See also the author’s book: Erklärung, Prophylaxe und Therapie der Krebskrankheit (Description, prophylaxis and therapy of cancer), Lammers-Koll-Verlag (not yet translated into English). |