Outlook for 2023 – Part 8

Posted on 5th January 2023
by Heinz Grill

The vision for future health

The good quality of light and electrosmog-free ambience provide favourable conditions for a health-promoting atmosphere.

The evaluation presented below develops from a view of the astral beings. The diseases that come towards mankind are already visible in the cosmos, in a kind of astral formation, before they make approaches towards man.

At the same time, these impending illnesses are more easily assessed on the earthly level, if the goals present in politics or in humanity are examined more closely. There are diseased concepts and health-promoting ideas. The Great Reset, for example, conveys a picture for the future that for the most part would bring illness and lead mankind into a pattern that insidiously taxes the kidneys and produces disease-causing protein syntheses in the metabolic processes. These in turn affect the brain and foster, for example, a great tendency towards nervous diseases and dementia. At the same time, the most diverse de-individualisation processes cause an extraordinarily strong likelihood of cancerous diseases, and this not only for those who are vaccinated but also for the unvaccinated, because the immune system shall no longer be organised by a clear, individual and independently formed consciousness, but is to be more or less collectively determined. Vaccinated people have to overcome their false need for security and the unvaccinated have to compete against constant pressures that are put on them from outside.

The hubris that it is possible to find a way to cure cancer with a m-RNA vaccination is very great. The strong driving forces of the pharmaceutical industry that, on a purely materialistic level, want to make the impossible possible overlook human beings, the life of their souls and their real needs. Spiritual powers, the angels, can no longer approach mankind, because people are not working on contentful essential questions, but are only concerned about their own well-being and are preoccupied with their survival.1) The instance of the angel approaches human beings when they form sound and clear ideas in their lives. However, the angel cannot intervene if these ideas are wrong or if people are only concerned with solving their own problems. Content and spiritual content are necessary when considering the question of development and thus for the engagement of the angel. See also Rudolf Steiner “What does the angel do in the astral body?” Lecture of 9 October 1918, GA 182 The concepts today in the plan for health are at the expense of a healthy life of the soul and inner feelings, and when this soul and feeling life reaches a certain point of being shut out and disturbed, a myriad of further illnesses develop, above all psychoses and nervous diseases. The tendency for infections which progress severely and have chronic results will gain quite large proportions, because invisibly the discrepancy is increasing between what would make sense for human development and what is imposed on the human being.

The approximately 20-minute climb to Casa Artistica is already a healing challenge.

The astral form, which is visible in the cosmos, leads to a strong psychic-violent precipitation, which mainly affects people’s cellular system. It appears to suffocate the cellular respiration. People’s subtle feeling will often be filled with fear and horror.

All healthy activities, both mental and physical, can be seen to be healing. Many were able to overcome the vaccination because they worked steadfastly and with perseverance and determination in spite of difficult conditions. Human beings stand at a threshold. Do they fall into passivity or do they gain a sense for healthy goals? When every single individual straightens up to think sound ideas and to implement them into everyday life, this causes a constant increase in immunity and can lead to amazing resilience against the pressures that come from the stressful conditions of the time.

In 2020 I wrote about attacks aimed at the human relational sphere that will lead to extreme divisions. Essentially, the development of an appropriate ability to relate, which not only seeks for security in symbiosis, but which is very clearly based on an animated, interested sphere of active encounter, would be healing. At the very least people should not allow themselves to be driven further into feelings of separation.

Asana practice is a distinctly health-promoting activity.

In the future, a very peculiar phenomenon of various arrangements of human relationship will emerge. The question can be asked: will there be people who are healthy and make others sick? Yes, there will be. A clinical picture that could be called an “asocial reserve withdrawal personality structure” will dominate in the phenomena of the future times and will emit a fake and yet existing, physically healthy picture. The people who remain in this so-called asocial reserve attitude are not at all interested in world politics and in the problems of others. They seem to be self-enlightened or to have arrived at self-balance. There is a shell around them that shields them, above all, from unpleasant burdens. But others who have to relate to these people notice how they slowly lose their life forces and forfeit their natural inner feelings. It is not a kind of borderline personality disorder, although depending on temperament there are some similarities to it and can be reminiscent of it. Through skilful dependencies, symbioses or also through misuse of spirituality and through self-illusions, quite a few people will develop this clinical picture of an asocial reserve and withdrawal personality in the future. They have a weakening effect on the environment and frequently generate multiple conflicts between people. In the future, therefore, there will be people who literally struggle for the last forces of existence in the sense of health, and they will come face to face with people who, through indifference and false equanimity, have no need to make serious efforts to answer the question of the meaning of life. The polarity between many sick and ailing people and people who demonstrate false health will be significant.

The springs near the house collect into a small stream.

The death rate will continue to rise steadily.

The natural conditions and the weather show great unsettledness. The unsettled weather conditions stress the circulatory system. There will be an unpleasant climate and the conditions of shielded light irritate the nerves. Geoengineering is a fatal situation. When the sun is artificially shielded, humans lack structural forces and many different kinds of degradation processes start to occur. It is the worst thing that mankind can do for health. The shielding of sunlight contributes quite fundamentally to a considerable strain on health and brings all rhythms into disharmony. The cosmos and the earth are derailed from their natural balance.

The year 2023 will be a highly burdened year for health.


1 The instance of the angel approaches human beings when they form sound and clear ideas in their lives. However, the angel cannot intervene if these ideas are wrong or if people are only concerned with solving their own problems. Content and spiritual content are necessary when considering the question of development and thus for the engagement of the angel. See also Rudolf Steiner “What does the angel do in the astral body?” Lecture of 9 October 1918, GA 182

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