Posted on 6th January 2023
The pole shift predicted for 2023 and its effect on humanity.

The physicist Dieter Boers speaks of an imminent pole jump, which is an event in which the earth’s axis shifts and the magnetic field of the earth’s natural mantel weakens.1) See for example the interview with Dieter Broers “Pole shift in 2023? What you have to do now!” on YouTube. (N.B. this video is in German At the same time, however, there is an unbearable electromagnetic field caused by satellites and artificial mobile radio waves. The shifts that are also occurring in the earth’s axis are reflected in humanity. If these changes are seen as a possibility for greater telepathy and spirituality, from more detailed research this must be to a large extent dissented. The problem, which arises in the human being on the basis of these shifts, expresses itself in that fact that individuals strongly lose their centre of movement and, as a result, both small metabolic processes and movements in the sensory and motoric, which up until now were directly and naturally formed, are exposed to an increasing amount of disturbance. On this foundation, which influences the whole earthly sphere, a more conscious and well-trained handling of life and all its processes is needed. An automated, habitual way of moving will very easily cause accidents which can be damaging. Metabolism, with its enzymatic action of building up and breaking down, will have a propensity to all kinds of disturbances. People’s ability to perceive and have subtle soul feelings suffers from these disturbances. In fact, those who train themselves can, however, develop their consciousness and accomplish some moments of movement freer from the body and more purposefully, thus gaining in this way the first expanded, even metaphysical approach. The phenomena of dissolution will therefore penetrate into natural and earthly conditions.2) See the section after next, “Dissolution, pralaya, and the building-up principle, prabhāva, in 2022 and subsequently for 2023”.
A brief look back at the year 2021

Significant for this year was the reversal of all reason. Truths were declared lies and lies were elevated to truths. At the same time there was a very strong tendency, when seen from a spiritual perspective, for attachments, people’s dependencies, to be disguised as a kind of noble duty and all those activities that spring from mankind’s spiritual endeavours will be treated as being totally voluntary and therefore non-binding. It is correct, however, that spirituality or, in other words, truth and the laws of the spiritual world represent an obligation for mankind and the attachments, dependencies and compensations must be overcome. Thus, the following sentence, in its absurdity, has come true over the last few years: “Attachments and dependencies are obligations but all spiritual perception remains free”. What is correct however is: “In spirit, humanity is not subject to freedom but to duty and, with respect to earthly life, people should overcome all desires and dependencies to the best of their ability.”3)According to Rudolf Steiner, spiritual life underlies liberty, economic life, fraternity, and consciousness of justice underlies the centre of people and represents a kind of equality, or equal concept of justice. Freedom of spiritual life is therefore important because it has been restricted by the church and possibly other coercive systems. In any case, people always need freedom of choice in their religion, denomination and the rituals they practise. Basically, this freedom of choice is related to the earthly level. On the earthly plane, people are free and must make use of this freedom. In spirit, however, people are anything but free. On this level they are bound by the spirit itself. Just as a doctor always has a duty to give first aid, so people are obliged to a truth, to the knowledge of the truth, and also to implementation of the knowledge that they have received. When someone has achieved a spiritual truth, therefore, carries it in their consciousness like a fine blossom of subtle feeling, they are called to further action and responsibility. This is who they are from within through the existing spirit. Today, a spiritual freedom is often spoken about and with this there is a kind of arbitrariness in the way truth is approached. This fatal reversal leads with time to those personality structures that can be called asocial reserve personalities. The best pearls are taken from the spirit, and the obligation of real handling and implementation according to the spirit is subject to personal arbitrariness. Therefore, although the sentence is true for the earthly world; that the spirit life is free, in the inner soul people have a duty to all truth.
Dissolution, pralaya, and the building-up principle, prabhāva, in 2022 and subsequently for 2023

The past year brought very strong dissolution processes, which are probably clearly visible in economic, political and also medical systems. But what can be experienced most clearly are the processes of pralaya, the dissolving of stability and values, in people and in their previous life habits. Where is the centre of the human being? Where does the future of humans lie? How do people experience looking back at the past? The physical as well as the mental conditions have changed drastically. The force, which in Sanskrit is called pralaya, the passing away, always precedes the subsequent prabhāva and this means a new building up of relational and cultural values. The dissolution, however, will reach a new high point in the coming year because an unbelievable number of people will completely lose their orientation and will not know how to deal with the circumstances of the working world and the all-round scattering relationships. Pralaya, the dissolution, applies to all people, and will not so much encourage compensatory, clever ways of interacting but actual formulation of thoughts, which flow out into the future in a rational and relational way.

Individuals can no longer rely on their previous experience when planning their work or the future, but they must, as it was described in last year’s outlook, create concrete thought-pictures and ideas that ultimately lead to lifestyle habits and lasting orientation towards goals, so that a solid and to a certain extent stable psychological and physical foundation ensue. The dissolution processes affect the whole person in the whole manner of his or her relational behaviour and it is largely directed to the habitual working conditions. Ultimately a really solid spiritual development is needed that cannot be based on traditions, quickly adopted yoga concepts, anthroposophical principles or escaping into groups with like-minded people and their emotional behaviour. The human being has to establish a spiritual basis completely anew and solidly, despite diverse previous experiences, for example, if they have already had near-death experiences or special states of ecstasy with a spiritual encounter. The processes of dissolution therefore pertain to all experiences that have been had, because these are no longer available as a potential for strength and thus the human being is called upon to establish, out of a state of lacking reserves and nothingness, a reality that becomes a psychological strength. People are homeless, as if their houses have been washed away by raging torrents and they must now choose both the ground for a new house as well as the structure they want to give it. This activity is a self-activity which, if undertaken with the necessary insight and clear consciousness awareness leads to a successful perspective. People, at any rate, cannot rely on systems to save them.
⇑1 | See for example the interview with Dieter Broers “Pole shift in 2023? What you have to do now!” on YouTube. (N.B. this video is in German |
⇑2 | See the section after next, “Dissolution, pralaya, and the building-up principle, prabhāva, in 2022 and subsequently for 2023”. |
⇑3 | According to Rudolf Steiner, spiritual life underlies liberty, economic life, fraternity, and consciousness of justice underlies the centre of people and represents a kind of equality, or equal concept of justice. Freedom of spiritual life is therefore important because it has been restricted by the church and possibly other coercive systems. In any case, people always need freedom of choice in their religion, denomination and the rituals they practise. Basically, this freedom of choice is related to the earthly level. On the earthly plane, people are free and must make use of this freedom. In spirit, however, people are anything but free. On this level they are bound by the spirit itself. Just as a doctor always has a duty to give first aid, so people are obliged to a truth, to the knowledge of the truth, and also to implementation of the knowledge that they have received. When someone has achieved a spiritual truth, therefore, carries it in their consciousness like a fine blossom of subtle feeling, they are called to further action and responsibility. This is who they are from within through the existing spirit. Today, a spiritual freedom is often spoken about and with this there is a kind of arbitrariness in the way truth is approached. This fatal reversal leads with time to those personality structures that can be called asocial reserve personalities. The best pearls are taken from the spirit, and the obligation of real handling and implementation according to the spirit is subject to personal arbitrariness. Therefore, although the sentence is true for the earthly world; that the spirit life is free, in the inner soul people have a duty to all truth. |