Logic and the principles of health XIX –
The activation of cellular breathing and permeating cells with light

In the previous articles the significance of actively developing the thinking, feeling and will in relation to the activation of self-healing forces was outlined. It is not an external exercise, method or mere change in diet that can heal a person profoundly, rather it is the way in which people actively set themselves aims in life and activate their whole mental being to new levels, so that the life forces are productively developed and truly new perspectives emerge. Read More …

Logic and the principles of health XVII – The exceptional value of the individually taken decision

The short articles on health that were written last year, carried as their core content, the thought that it is not an external form, a remedy, an exercise or an energy that comes from the outside that make people healthy, but rather their activity, which they bring into relationship with other people or the various forms of life, that heals them. Read More …

Specialist courses for artists

During the Artists’ Days a great need arose to deepen and expand previous skills and knowledge in the respective subject areas. Generally, while staying at the Sun Oasis the respective specialist areas, such as music, art of movement, painting, building work, architecture, nutrition, rhetoric and bread baking can be developed in direct practical forms. Independently from a visit to the Sun Oasis there will be specific online courses for the respective subject areas, that will be organised by an expert and will meet once a month by video link. Read More …

Outlook for 2025 – Part 11 – The battle in the heavens and the weather

The cosmos battles between the beauty of the soul light effects and the ugly shadows of attachment. One generates inspiration, the other depression. The cosmic picture can be seen spiritually, it lives subtly in the astral reality and gives birth to a battle between light and shadow, and this expresses itself as far as the earthly sphere with materially visible phenomena. Read More …

Outlook for 2025 – Part 7
Humanity at a threshold in 2025

Nearly all prophecies that exist for this current time and also for the coming year, say that the whole of humanity is facing a new beginning and that old, previously suitable structures need to be transformed once again or raised to a new level. Most people feel that their individual strengthening is necessary and that system-orientated authorities such as religion, church or state cannot give security and are no longer suitable. Read More …

Outlook for 2025 – Part 4
How does healing take place?

A search across the internet reveals an extraordinary number of endeavours to find spiritual healings, alternative ways of healing and all kinds of information about distance healing through medians. The longing for health and, above all, a meaningful and happy life is evidently extraordinarily strong. Many of the offerings include the buzzword high-frequency vibrations, which have already been propagated for years by the various authors and seem to be prospering at the present time. Read More …

Logic and the principles of health XV –
Exhaustion and the unusual art of overcoming the body

A therapeutic approach to an illness, which requires very clear self-activity from each individual, always needs, in addition to clarifying the cause, the development of a new step in life. The tragedy that illness itself paralyses and deceives the human consciousness will be very consciously taken into account in this article. This approach represents a kind of key. Read More …