Originally posted in German on 6th January 2025
by Heinz Grill
The legacy that those who have died leave behind in terms of the psyche is not insignificant for the vision of the year ahead.
In 2023 Yevgeny Prigozhin, Putin’s loyal cook and the leader of a private army, known as the Wagner-Gruppe, died. His death was the result of a terrorist attack. However, this cause of death is insignificant for the afterlife of the soul.
This soul plays a very significant role for the Russian people, because it leads the already complicated system, which is still often disrupted by the past and the social classes, to a more self-contained and unified form. Metaphorically speaking, the soul wants Russia to become like an unassailable castle in which people can live out their wisdom and principles. The soul had accomplished unusual actions during its earthly existence. It is a great light that Prigozhin’s soul emits onto the national unity of Russia, thus making it more unassailable, more united and to a certain extent more robust.
Alexei Navalny, a Russian lawyer, also died this year. In the media today, too much importance is attached to him. His soul, however, is not significant for the world as whole. He was a critic of Putin, nevertheless, the soul is calling more for its own needs in the redemption of suffering and cannot emit a healthy substance for either the West or for the East.

The death of Jimmy Carter, whose time in office was a while ago and who has reached the oldest age of all the American presidents, did not come as a great surprise, as he was already expecting death and was ill. His soul was inclined to be peace-loving, and it can work back on the American population stimulating, in a gentle way, scientific and philosophical ways of thinking. Jimmy Carter came into his career from being an officer in the navy and was president in America for four years. The discipline that he had learnt in the army is modified, in this case, into a scientific way of thinking, a gift that is needed everywhere.
Michael Sladek, an ecological pioneer who realised many projects in a cheerful way, died in 2024. His being is like a healthier moon, which can stimulate good feelings in people and can move people to be imaginative but also easily to ideology.
Igor Kirillov, a Russian general who was familiar with the defence system of biological weapons, was killed in an attack. This man lived for his convictions and because he lived for them, he continues to give the Russian people ideas on how they can use their weapons sensibly. The death of this general shows that the enemy cannot gain an advantage through an attack, but actually feeds the opposite and even secretly strengthens the position that it wants to weaken, namely Russia’s position.
It is worth mentioning the death of the great sportsman and meditation master Sri Chinmoy that happened a while ago. This supports a light of communication and encounter within spiritual groups. Since this encounter is important today, this soul, who is endowed with this ability, deserves a mention.
The death of the Hezbollah leader Nasrallah in September in a military attack by Israel causes further bloodshed. Strangely enough, the manner of death is significant for his soul. The soul has placed itself in a kind of revenge position. The person’s thinking does not have the necessary awareness of a greater task in the sense of culture, but it is still fixed in fundamentalist belief principles. If one goes in search of the soul, hardness, despair and the urge to take revenge are seen. It is a violent potential that shows itself after his death.
As already mentioned, it is not only the various significant people in earthly life that are definitively responsible for the development of the world, but also those people that have died are of no small importance, because they continue to pass on the forces for negative or positive determinations from their existence in the after worlds.