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“One capacity that develops, specifically with the development and realisation of new thoughts, is the capacity for empathy. How can spiritual development enable individuals to put themselves in the position of another person or matter? They can never acquire this capacity if they hold on to their f…”
Originally posted on 7th January 2025
by Heinz Grill
Can someone’s genetic disposition be transformed?
Many emotions will be circulating in 2025, but their real, spiritual basis seems negligible. A few people will support stability in global equilibrium in the future, but really only a few and for this reason the negative phenomena will predominate. These are not people who are particularly enlightened or awakened, but rather those who in their character learn to transcend themselves and their predispositions, lead an idea to an ideal and introduce an intense, subtle substance into the global equilibrium.

This portrait is inspired by a painting by William Hodges, who joined Cook’s second voyage as a painter.
Drawing by Anne-Michèlle Hambye
Those outstanding natures, like for example the English seafarer and pioneer of the first world maps, Captain Cook, are hardly to be found any more in the world today. Through his strong influence in life and his conviction, which he brought with him through his genetics, he became world renowned and was able to present a life’s work. Today, however, individuals must detach from their genetics, and specifically through appropriate learning steps connected with spiritual truth, good rationality and a trained awareness, they must mature to become a person of significance. Of those strong people, who stand in the world through their heritage, only few remain and they will be unable to rescue the world. The question of culture must happen out of a persistent, focused and conscious effort for new ideals, and out of an awareness that goes beyond a genetic one. This activity has a transformative effect on a personal level and beyond this on the whole world situation. In this sense, all true and good spiritual endeavours are significant.
In the spiritual world a whole series of deceased people exist, who used, or perhaps better said, abused, marital situations, relationships or spirituality to strengthen their own blood-force, that means their purely personal heritage. These souls actually enter into a very low astral realm and lead to all sorts of negative effects amongst the living. They literally encourage asociality and psychopathic structures. However, it makes no sense to list names in this regard, for the fact that people only want to strengthen their own genetics through potential spiritual questions or through necessary new cultural ideas shows a form of regression that works in the spiritual world like a kind of death-zone with a lightless character.((One capacity that develops, specifically with the development and realisation of new thoughts, is the capacity for empathy. How can spiritual development enable individuals to put themselves in the position of another person or matter? They can never acquire this capacity if they hold on to their fears and their own wishes too much and seek in their relationships or spiritual endeavours not development but only security for themselves.(( Rudolf Steiner describes the empathetic perception of another person: “To begin with, what do I have before me when I confront another personality?……. The first impression is the physical, bodily appearance of the other person, given me as perception, then the audible perception of what he is saying, and so on. I do not merely stare at all this; it sets my thinking activity in motion. To the extent that I confront the other personality with my thinking, the perceptions become transparent to my soul. To the extent that I grasp the perceptions in thinking, I am obliged to say that they are not at all what they appear to be to the external senses. Within the perceptions as they appear directly to the senses something else is revealed, namely what they are indirectly. The fact that I bring them before me means at the same time their extinction as mere appearances to the senses. But what, in their extinction, they bring to revelation, this, for the duration of its effect on me, forces me—as a thinking being—to extinguish my own thinking and to put in its place the thinking of what is revealed. And this thinking I grasp as an experience that is like the experience of my own thinking. I have really perceived the thinking of the other. For the direct perceptions, which extinguish themselves as appearances to the senses, are grasped by my thinking, and this is a process that takes place completely within my consciousness; it consists in the fact that the thinking of the other takes the place of my thinking. The division between the two spheres of consciousness is actually canceled out through the extinction of the appearances to the senses. In my consciousness this expresses itself in the fact that in experiencing the content of the other’s consciousness I am aware of my own consciousness as little as I am aware of it in dreamless sleep. Just as my day-consciousness is excluded in dreamless sleep, so in the perceiving of the foreign content of consciousness, the content of my own is excluded. There are two reasons why one tends to be deluded about these facts; one is that in perceiving the other person, the extinction of the content of one’s own consciousness is replaced not by unconsciousness as in sleep, but by the content of the other’s consciousness; the other reason is that the alternation between extinction and re-appearance of self-consciousness occurs too quickly to be noticed in ordinary life.” (GA 4. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1963): Addition to the Revised Edition of 1918, https://rsarchive.org/Books/GA004/English/RSPI1963/GA004_appendix1.html) ))
2025 will be a year of extreme denial and repression of the spirit. It actually is like a great celestial battle between those forces that spread a beautiful light and those that produce a binding, fixed and ugly appearance. As a result, people will be inclined to retreat to certainties and this, however, will rob them of the most essential substance they need for their development. The rate of cancer will therefore rise even more.
My person will be very unwanted. There will even be extreme positions that categorise all spiritual development as a threat and danger to humanity. Many will be eager to unite in new cultural movements. However, under no circumstances will they want to transcend the boundary between earthly, previous habits to a different training of consciousness and thought. Although humanity stands at a threshold, people will be unable to step beyond this as they will meet in a kind of collective mood that says something like the following:
“I have the feeling that I am on the right path. It is my path. I can help others as they are not yet sufficiently awakened. I myself have entered into my inner world. I help the world move towards peace, while others generate war.”
These subjective moods will capture a great part of humanity. It is important to actually learn to perceive the subjective delusion in these words and how this is confused with spirituality. The dissociation caused by false emotions will become ever greater. For this reason, anything that is really objectively spiritual must tread the path of banishment. Rudolf Steiner will have still less recognition in anthroposophy than previously and yet anthroposophists will pride themselves on the spirit. How is that possible? In yoga people will outwardly revere masters and yet inwardly fail to come close to them in their reality because they fall back into genetic tendencies.
This denial of the spirit bears serious health consequences, which will not occur immediately in those who give themselves to a pseudo-faith, but which will appear spread throughout society in many ways. 2025 will be the year that leads everything spiritual to be unheard and illicit. People will hold on fixedly to their own existing emotions and so the tendencies towards schizophrenia and depression will rise; outwardly people will seek connections and inwardly they will suffer the most under their own superficial non-reality.

(Friedrich Schiller)
Drawing M.W.