Logic and principles of health IX

Exercises that lead to a growing consciousness, mental stability and ultimately favourable development, always require concrete and logical mental pictures. What does the word ‘concrete’ actually mean? It means something like ‘graphic’ or expressed in a different way, ‘sufficiently comprehensible for perception and judgement’. Both the therapist and the patient must strive for this careful logic and mental picturing. When this engagement happens directly in mutual relationship between a healer and a person in need, the sattva element, with its light, purifying effect, can occur most easily. Read More …

Yoga teacher – a profession of the future

The most recent teacher training courses, lasting three years with 1200 teaching hours, have produced very good yoga teachers. The aim is not only that these trained individuals are able to lead a few exercises, but beyond this that they can respond soundly and accurately to questions concerning the development of the body, soul and spirit. In this sense, the vocation of yoga teaching is not a trivial affair that goes alongside the usual worldly professions. Read More …

Logic and principles of health VIII – Lethargy, activity and awareness must be correctly positioned in a person

The three determinants of being in nature and human existence, which according to the ancient sankhya philosophy are called sattva, rajas and tamas, can be found in the human body. When these three forces, which can be analogously translated as purity, restlessness and lethargy, are in a favourable relationship, there is generally good mental-physical well-being. Lethargy should, in the best sense of the word, provide rest and recuperation. Read More …