The complete locust – purna salabhasana

This film was recorded live during a training course and unfortunately the light quality is poor. Nevertheless it is possible to see how the dynamic movement starts in the back, and in particular viewers can study  the moments of “letting go” in which the awareness is gathered, and the moments in which the body is actively and deliberately taken hold of. The laws governing the etheric energy are manifold and time only allows a single, relevant aspect to be explained here. Here in the locust, the practitioner demonstrates how on the one hand the body is for moments seemingly released from gravity and straight away in a next instant swings from this released state up into the erect form.

The arms are placed under the body to form a long, strong lever. This lever must come powerfully into operation. At the same time the locust needs flexibility in all sections of the spine, particularly in the upper and middle parts. If there is not enough flexibility, for example in the thoracic spine, the body cannot rise up fully into the erect, crescent-moon curve. Under no circumstances should strength be used to force the movement when the flexibility of the spine is insufficient, as this very graceful, acrobatic position can put an uncomfortable load on the neck and cause pain.

To do the movement several times in a row presents a relatively high demand on the ability to coordinate the dynamic activity of the spine. The practitioner also retains awareness during the tension and must carefully attune the moments of letting go of the body with simultaneously taking hold of the spine and the lever. Overcoming the body and taking hold of the body find an elegant expression in this picture.

(Heinz Grill)

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