Outlook for 2023 – Part 4b

From a lecture given by Heinz Grill on 1.1.2023

What possibilities are there for our insight into current events
to be led into an ability to act constructively?

First of all, the way in which evil develops in the world through weakness and the resulting projections should be made sense of independently. It is not the politicians and also not the banks, nor the well-known personalities who seem to agitate in the world with power. Evil arises far more in silence, in the hidden region of people, who are only searching for their particular bound intentions, their own power and advantage.

Generally, an orderly concrete way to form a right judgement and to spiritually engage with the world and the cosmos is lacking. The right spirituality is lacking and therefore the right formation of judgement is also lacking because these two elements, spirituality and forming judgements, belong together. When people say that they pray to God for peace and take sides with the non-violent good people, one should look more closely to see if they are not promoting in their souls the very antithesis of peace, war. Praying, as it is understood today, has nothing to do with spirituality, but it is mostly an expression of an ignorance of the spiritual worlds. What has significance is what people really create through their weaknesses, errors, lying attachments and selfish desires. The outer and the inner correspond in very few people, and therefore there is seldom that order which is built upon an authentic personality. Forming an initial judgement involves observing and studying people today, the normal citizen, as well as ministers standing in the public eye. What forces, motives, ambitions or intentions really guide individuals?

There are a whole series of statements that are cited today as reasons for the unfortunate times. Why does the coronavirus exist and the completely excessive measures? We seem to know this. There seems to be an attempt to decimate society. But who is behind the plan? It is the rich! Or it is certain brutal politicians. These statements would actually only indicate the evil people and on the other side are the victims, the good people. Those occurrences however, that really occur in the depths of existence, are not touched by these sweeping statements.

It is easier for individuals to find an answer to the many occurrences of the time if they ask what and which qualities are lacking in humanity. This questioning is then first of all directed towards the shortcomings in development and more easily recognises the evil, which is actually only an expression of the lack of the good or true. When these processes of the time are studied, the impression is reached that the highest and best ideals, that are both spiritually true and suitable for social capability in the world, must be embraced and pursued. It is actually the spirits of the primordial beginning, the so-called archai,1) The archai are spiritual beings who, in the hierarchy, are above the angels and archangels. that move humankind to strive for the highest truths and at the same time to live for them and to stand up for them unreservedly. The zeitgeist demands a great, so-called, overcoming of limits to wise initiatives for action. If, for example, people say they have no time to strive for these important truths of being human, they increasingly lose touch with an unavoidable, emanating reality and, ironic as it may sound, they actually lose time. They unknowingly follow the phenomena of time and lose the possibilities of development. Time actually means nothing other than development. In this sense, many who only resisted the system have already lost time.

The study of spirituality and ideals therefore requires one hundred per cent dedication and an unceasing striving for knowledge, as well as, for realisation of the best potential. Those forms, mental pictures, thoughts and ideals, which the individual creates in real terms through unceasing work, become a reality, while all passivity, waiting and even hoping for the coming of saving personalities lead to a loss of self and thereby to a growing self-destruction. The phenomenon of the times, in its negativity, expresses itself through complete self-surrender and destruction, while the spiritual beings, the Archai, the zeitgeist, want to encourage the personality of all individuals in such a way that they move their creativity beyond limits and, if they are founded in serious goals, lead it to success. The sentence that was still true two years ago, that failure is certain for all those who strive, is reversed for the coming year: “Success will be given to those who develop an insight into the grotesque conditions of the times, who recognise the connections in a soul-spiritual respect, who perceive how this affects the physical conditions and who thereby gain their initiative for action, build up new ideas and form these into ideals.” 2) Feature photo: The form of a flame made of branches, on the grounds of the ecological project in Naone. The flame is an image of transformation processes and striving towards the spirit.


1 The archai are spiritual beings who, in the hierarchy, are above the angels and archangels.
2 Feature photo: The form of a flame made of branches, on the grounds of the ecological project in Naone. The flame is an image of transformation processes and striving towards the spirit.

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