Originally posted in German on 15th February 2023
by Heinz Grill

Foto: Juri V. Licence: Creativ Commons
The geological, physical cause for this immense earthquake, with its great material damage and human casualties, should be clarified beyond doubt. In the zone in which the strong destruction of buildings and structures has taken place, three different plates, which are under the earth’s surface meet, the Arabic, the Anatolian and the Eurasian. The tension that the plates cause when they meet causes the earth to suddenly discharge and results in destruction on the surface.1) See the video on the following website (https://www.opengeography.org/ch-3-earthquakes.html).
However, this geological-physical explanation of the earthquake leaves many questions unanswered. Why do the discharges of the states of tension of the earth take place and perhaps the question may even be asked as to the root cause as to why do the most diverse movements of different plates occur under the surface of the earth, which shift into each other like ice floes? The earth and its inner movements remain a great mystery and although many investigations, with advanced techniques, are possible today, no plausible and holistic interpretation for the destructive natural phenomenon has yet been deduced.
To explain the spiritual cause, the question can be asked as to how human consciousness corresponds to the deeper conditions of the earth. There is a phenomenon in the human consciousness that is called projecting. It is a common psychological and universal phenomenon of human interaction. Instead of a healthy self-reflection, analysis of thoughts and feelings and finally a resulting perception of fellow human beings, others are hastily accused and there is a projection of one’s own lacking, imperfect consciousness onto fellow human beings.
The physical cause of an earthquake is without doubt correct. The overall causal significance of an earthquake, however, concerns not only the geological mechanism of action, but the whole of humanity and the collective effect of the widely varying souls in the worldly plane. Thus, the earth’s plates move in the deep inner layers of the earth, create tension and this tension gets discharged, while people from different locations and guided by different interests unleash numerous projections every day. Turkey is probably not without interest as a condemnatory target. It is astonishing that in nearly all earthquakes a great number of poor people are affected.
From a spiritual perspective, a peculiar entity rises above the image of the destroyed houses, which appears very manipulatively lunar and, in a hidden way, cynical and sarcastic. It would be possible to analyse this being-form further, but that would lead too deeply into the esoteric field. Earthquakes can be assisted today. But this technical influence does not seem to have played a primary role in this terrible disaster that has taken place in Turkey. Rather, it is the sphere of projection which leads to precisely a predestination for a monstrous and fatal catastrophe on the physical level.
This natural disaster cannot go down in world history without it having certain political consequences. State systems will most likely condemn other state systems. In any case, Turkey is severely weakened and with the losses could tend towards becoming a country that can no longer maintain its position in the competitiveness of the world. Unfortunately, as I signalled in the outlook for this year, there will be more blows in the future.
The counter-image to projection is an intensive consciousness work, that does not consist of profane meditations, well-intentioned wishes or affirmations, but rather explores and gets to know the phenomena of the world in depth, not only on a material basis, but also taking into account the entire human potential for development.2) In the book “The Soul Dimension of Yoga” in the chapter “Developing a strength of consciousness free from projection – ajna chakra” the difference between projection and forming clear thoughts is described. If one considers the chakra teachings of yoga, this activity would correspond to the sixth centre. Anthroposophy speaks in the same sense of the consciousness-soul.3) See also Rudolf Steiner “Theosophy” (GA9 Chapter 1 Section IV, Body, Soul and Spirit) where he describes the conscious-soul and a body free thinking. Aristotle describes this potential that awaits development, which has its seat in the forehead, as dianoethicon. The development of this human creative potential radiates with balance onto the world sphere, while projections can lead to growing conflicts and ultimately to awful natural catastrophes.
⇑1 | See the video on the following website (https://www.opengeography.org/ch-3-earthquakes.html). |
⇑2 | In the book “The Soul Dimension of Yoga” in the chapter “Developing a strength of consciousness free from projection – ajna chakra” the difference between projection and forming clear thoughts is described. |
⇑3 | See also Rudolf Steiner “Theosophy” (GA9 Chapter 1 Section IV, Body, Soul and Spirit) where he describes the conscious-soul and a body free thinking. |