The reversal of friend and foe in the time to come.
Outlook for 2021 – part 4

Originally posted in German on 31st December 2020

Many are hoping for a positive Saturn-Jupiter constellation in the future and with this expect a breakthrough or emergence to new values. However, the moon forces will manifest quite distinctly in the following months with an obscuring and very binding character. The reversals in the area of health appear similar. What are, in reality, the highest endeavours for health will be labelled as sick and conversely illness will disguise itself as health and altruism.1) Hartmut Ramm, biologist and cosmological researcher, said in a lecture at the Akanthos Academy that epidemics usually only occur when, due to its axial position, the sun forms many so-called sunspots. However, the corona epidemic occurred at a time when the sun was very pure and had no spots. He therefore poses the question as to whether this is actually an epidemic. In his lectures he sees as noteworthy the historical observation that important political changes and the overthrow of rulers have taken place when the sun shone very purely without spots. In the year 2021 the sun will slowly begin to form new spots again.

A small graphic example of how the light and dark sides of life can be reversed is shown by the different meanings that the term light nutrition has taken. Those who renounce food and live on light ought to become complete stars of light in their bodily interior and in their soul, while all others who depend on physical nourishment ought to darken and solidify inside. But in reality it is precisely the reverse. Long abstinence from food and apparently living on light as the basis of physical nourishment leads to a loss of self in the personality structure. Without food, human beings will soon lack their essence and will have to darken inside. With nourishment from light, individuals therefore develop an actual reversal in their souls, because they shadow what is potentially their own lightest element, and that is the self. I will allow myself a personal comment. The Süddeutsche Newspaper wrote that I am a follower of light nutrition, perhaps because many people on this path have died and people are trying to accuse me of murderous behaviour. What was overlooked by the newspaper, however, is the fact that there is a book by me on nutrition that describes the light qualities of food in physical and metaphysical terms and expresses anything but living purely from light alone. It is amazing how the Süddeutsche Newspaper can present the most reversed version of reality and create a setting that is completely full of projection.

Reversal as a grotesque phenomenon is a principle that can be found very often in human evolution. Those forces that are viewed as hostile and that individuals want to reject, that they seek to eliminate or destroy, are artificially pushed to the outer front. Unseen, these forces, or at least their essence, take an internal hold to an even worse, sometimes altered degree. What has been eliminated therefore rears up inside as a newly altered and worsened evil.

The corona situation and its significance for the future

Individuals try to protect themselves from so to speak “catching” the virus, almost as if compulsively but, however, directly absorb the deeper consequences that the virus brings with it into their souls. They create a fatal reversal because they do not sufficiently study the question of development that is presented with an occurrence such as a pathological phenomenon, but rather they treat it like an enemy attack eliminating it externally.

When the first lockdown was announced in European countries in the spring, it was immediately self-evident that numerous serious fateful consequences would have to drive forward the chain of these less medical, but more political measures. Towards the end of the year there was a so-called second wave. Is the virus a hostile companion of human beings and their fate, attacking them from outside as if by chance, or does it logically emerge from within human history, because human beings manifest it themselves in a specific form for their development?

A virus epidemic can be seen as a deterioration in overall health and furthermore as a real lack in sense of integrity. From a spiritual point of view, the coronavirus epidemic is similar to influenza and it is an expression of the excessive working of suggestive forces and injustice, which individual citizens pick up to a particularly high degree. The actual illness, which is therefore the basis of this virus episode, is suggestion as a means of compensation that is customary today to cover up the current emptiness of content in people’s own souls.

For this reason, the best prophylaxis and even the best basis for healing would be the training of healthy thinking, because the strengthening of independent consciousness would give people good protection against the encroaching suggestion of the media, politics and those systems which form people’s opinions. In fact, very many people who were infectious have been able to become free of fever and discomfort within a few hours through the practice of some thought-based soul exercises, together with solid medical advice free from fear.2)There are various studies into the corona epidemic. A not inconsiderable number of researchers conclude that a great deal of political control is behind the given figures and that mortality rates have never been more than in any previous years. In considering the future vision for 2021, this discussion is not of primary value at the moment, because the facts would not greatly change the actual causes and consequences. What is significant is purely that the wheel of corona is in motion worldwide and induces various types of crisis.

The fears generated by the media and consequently even by the citizens on the street can increase in a suggestive way to immeasurable proportions, because individuals feel powerless in the face of the virus, which seems to come from outside like an enemy, and subsequently they lose their ability to trust the strength of their own immune system, which could be in the best position to protect their health and with feelings of their own self-activity would give them a perception of integrity.

A virus seems to have passed from bats to humans, it began in China, spread to Germany, then to Italy, eventually to all of Europe and ultimately to the whole world. This geographical determination may perhaps be comprehensible according to the recording and dissemination of epidemiological research, but, and this is the important thing, it overlooks the fact that humanity, precisely through its own conditions and weaknesses, has opened itself for a disease and also for passive control, as seen in the politics around Covid-19, and has even formed this through its own openness to suggestion. When the clinical picture and also the political situation are described therefore, the cause and consequences are drastically reversed. The virus and the stirred up fears are a consequence of the weakened integrity that has occurred through suggestion and of course also through various types of environmental stress. Just as those who renounce food and want to live from light, in other words want to stay completely pure, darken themselves inside, to the same extent through the fear of a pathogenic germ people manage to put a heavy burden on their inner life and pave the way for serious diseases that are waiting for them. People try to protect themselves from a kind of phantom which they do not sufficiently recognise but only know and hear that it is very dangerous. Recognising the circumstances of the time and the clinical picture would protect them, while fleeing from the disease will expose them to further pathologies.

The corona epidemic3)The leading virologists and the government feel their view to be validated: “Corona – there is no doubt that the conspiracy theorists were wrong. The corona numbers are higher than ever.” Is it not a political battle between scientists who think for themselves and people driven by suggestion? In fact one sees in the spiritual realm a real struggle between becoming individual and sinking into group spirituality., which increased in autumn and peaked in winter, is a consequence of further suggestion and fear that were fuelled over the whole year in the most ingenious and prototypical manner. If the disease had been treated from the start like an ordinary flu and above all if suitable treatment methods had been looked for, people would have gone into the next winter season in a more relaxed fashion. They wanted to focus all their efforts on keeping the virus away and stylised the most terrible images in the media. The compulsive avoidance of contagion with state-regulated measures continues to destroy the natural performance of people’s immunity, increasingly weakens integrity and unnecessarily increases fear of the disease. To this day, a form of pandemic has actually been created that need not have existed.4)Also see the article: Coronavirus: Confronting fear and suggestion strengthens immunity

In 2021 this disease in its current sense, will no longer have the same great significance. However, people will produce infections, complications, and a number of underlying diseases that are even more severe. What they eliminate outwardly will continue inwardly in an intensified manner. This law of development demands its price in 2021.

The being of infection

If the phenomenon of infection is studied sufficiently and in depth, astonishingly an emotional attack on the soul can always be perceived before the disease begins. For example, it is known that viruses from animals are commonly passed to humans. This observation from research is very interesting because there is a remarkable difference between animal and human souls. Animals remain in groups, human beings must individualise themselves and generate qualities through the power of their spirit.

According to known observations, individuals catch infections if they frequently mix in groups with common emotions. It is again the astral body, characterised above, which in its intrinsic disposition, by way of the unconscious feelings, triggers the cause of the feverish colds and infectious processes. For example, individuals will not get sick, if they consciously expose themselves to cold temperatures; but they are more likely to get ill if they overlook the waves of warmth and cold resulting from the emotions so frequently involved in being with others unconsciously. The more people are absorbed into a group feeling, without their own individual, ordering and structuring awareness, the more they surrender themselves to the danger that something is transmitted externally, namely an infection. What remains most significant, however, is the emotional, suggestive, and possibly even manipulative dominance, which acts like an assault and is absorbed by the individual. Infection with a virus is visible on the external level, but this external infection is a consequence of an unseen pre-existing astral connection.

The fact that viruses often pass from animals to humans, means nothing other than that the group nature inherent in animals takes too big a place in human evolution and humans do not individually rise to being human, but rather in their emotions and connections fall back more to the instinctual animal consciousness.5)The transmission of the virus from animals to humans does not rule out the possibility that this virus was artificially produced in a laboratory. Spiritual research would show this conclusively. However, for the future prognosis it is not so important how and where the virus came from, because the actual spread took place according to the routes indicated here. Following their instinctive drives they want to avoid thinking, and protect themselves from the effort of full self-responsibility. A virus spreads to them and in a sense demands a correction. Precisely said, however, the virus does not spread to them; it is released from them as a so-called exosome 6)Exosomes are tiny components that are released from a cell into the extracellular environment. They consist of nucleic acids and proteins and are used, among other things, by the cells for excretion.. The movement that spreads to them is purely an astral emotion, a base mood shaped by a group. The situation that humanity would like to merge in a kind of group without differentiation and without individualisation in a trivial longing for peace and well-being, is hard to overlook at the present time.

In the year 2021, a parting of ways will emerge between thinking and non-thinking people and between people who are at the front and others who are withdrawing. Those who establish themselves individually will stay healthy and those who fail to form a real and true view towards the media flow, or those who simply blindly join an alternative movement, shut themselves off from development and will demonstrate obvious signs of emotional attachment and ultimately disease.

In order to cure viral diseases, a strengthening of decisive logical thinking and an active building of mental pictures must take place, because it is the only way that people can regain their integrity and steer their immune system to a level of assured competence.

The passive hope of vaccination

However, greater complications must arise as a result of the fact that the vast majority of humanity is practicing the very opposite, and many people fall into passive expectations or hopes for a better future and for salvation from the vaccine. Vaccination will have short-term and long-term consequences. It will have a very serious long-term effect on the psyche of human beings.

The spiritual world awaits for humankind to develop individual maturity, to strengthen their ability for encounter and judgment, and to take an adequate step beyond the boundaries from materialism over to greater moral values. The spiritual hierarchies literally wait in hunger and thirst for people to find the courage to develop their own consciousness. Individuals today can no longer rely on the media, but have to learn to think for themselves. For the year 2021 there will be real dependencies due to the lostness of spirit and separation from the cosmos. However, these will not be recognised as dependencies.

Out of the whole sphere of suggestion, which is not rejected, while, however, the battle is declared against the apparent enemy, the virus, people take the evil into themselves. They take the underlying cause of the illness deep inside.

This is how all those diseases develop that work deeply into the cell system and there take their course with malign proliferation. Nervous diseases will also dominate to a very large extent. Furthermore, infectious diseases in particular will have to increase, because people are increasingly losing their sense of integrity. The creative power of human beings, their spiritual creativity and their feeling for truth are rapidly being lost through passively surrendering to the suggestion of our contemporary culture.

Those who in the future can independently raise up their powers of consciousness to reality, without outside influence or manipulation, will experience far better health, while those who give up will convey indifference and exhibit strange pathological compensation. The year 2021 will present a great parting of ways between thinking and non-thinking people. A special phenomenon arises through very ingenious types of people who work in an autistic way, having the gift of manipulating others and who display seemingly spectacular rhetoric or generate particular interest.

In the 5th article the shadow figure and its specific effect on human beings will be described.


1 Hartmut Ramm, biologist and cosmological researcher, said in a lecture at the Akanthos Academy that epidemics usually only occur when, due to its axial position, the sun forms many so-called sunspots. However, the corona epidemic occurred at a time when the sun was very pure and had no spots. He therefore poses the question as to whether this is actually an epidemic. In his lectures he sees as noteworthy the historical observation that important political changes and the overthrow of rulers have taken place when the sun shone very purely without spots. In the year 2021 the sun will slowly begin to form new spots again.
2 There are various studies into the corona epidemic. A not inconsiderable number of researchers conclude that a great deal of political control is behind the given figures and that mortality rates have never been more than in any previous years. In considering the future vision for 2021, this discussion is not of primary value at the moment, because the facts would not greatly change the actual causes and consequences. What is significant is purely that the wheel of corona is in motion worldwide and induces various types of crisis.
3 The leading virologists and the government feel their view to be validated: “Corona – there is no doubt that the conspiracy theorists were wrong. The corona numbers are higher than ever.” Is it not a political battle between scientists who think for themselves and people driven by suggestion? In fact one sees in the spiritual realm a real struggle between becoming individual and sinking into group spirituality.
4 Also see the article: Coronavirus: Confronting fear and suggestion strengthens immunity
5 The transmission of the virus from animals to humans does not rule out the possibility that this virus was artificially produced in a laboratory. Spiritual research would show this conclusively. However, for the future prognosis it is not so important how and where the virus came from, because the actual spread took place according to the routes indicated here.
6 Exosomes are tiny components that are released from a cell into the extracellular environment. They consist of nucleic acids and proteins and are used, among other things, by the cells for excretion.

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