Ramifications of the Corona Policy and the Consequences for Health

Originally posted in German on 26th January 2024

by Heinz Grill

The past year has seen a reduction in human life and vitality on a visible scale that is almost unimaginable. The burning question is: how can the individual meaningfully respond to the overcoming weaknesses and states of exhaustion?

Dr. Michael Nehls speaks of a severe impairment to the hippocampus in the brain and refers to the exponential increase of Alzheimer’s and of dementia in general.1) The information on the significance of the hippocampus in Alzheimer’s disease can be found in the book by Michael Nehls, “The Indoctrinated Brain. How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom.” Skyhorse Publishers.

Universally, the incidence of cancer has increased several-fold and not only among older people, but alarmingly also among many young and middle-aged people.2) This information is based on personal observation, but is also confirmed by studies, as shown in the article “Global surge in cancer cases among under-50s”. The mental health problems and autoimmune reactions are also on a significant upward curve.3) Also see the article by Mind: The impact of Corona Virus on Mental Health or the article: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Adult Mental Health and finally this article in the Lancet: Incidence, prevalence, and co-occurrence of autoimmune disorders over time.

A tendency for accidents and minor to moderate injuries to the body, which has significantly affected people’s general natural dynamic movement, is also clearly apparent. Many people have suffered sudden sprains, fallen down a flight of stairs, fallen off curbs or have hit a post with their car. The healthy, natural and intuitive movements suffer and individuals need to pay far more attention when carrying out their naturally sporting or general physical activities.

The whole world situation with the high amounts of electrosmog, light conditions shielded through geoengineering, and the powerful spheres with daily suggestions, relentlessly streaming through the media, rob people of their natural inner balance and their intuitive movement of will, so that as soon as they vitally carry out a careless movement slightly too fast something can very quickly go wrong.4) See the author’s article: Cancer will continue to increase in the future.

I had already predicted these phenomena for last year and also to a large extent for the current year, because before research identifies the individual symptoms, they are already living in an astral sphere of beings. From the moment that the phenomena can be diagnosed in the body they are ultimately each individual’s path of destiny.

Can the vaccination be transmitted from one person to another via so-called astral, subtle paths of radiation?

This question was asked several times last year and some people who had not been vaccinated wondered why they had similar symptoms that indicated a typical consequence of vaccination. It was not only vaccinated people that had all manner of immune reactions, vascular diseases and last but not least nerve and cell diseases, there are also many who were not vaccinated that have weaknesses and suffer more from diseases that are not necessarily harmless.

From a spiritual perspective, however, the vaccination cannot radiate directly to an unvaccinated person, the spike-protein usually stays in the body of the vaccinated person and does not have the ability to pass over to other person on a purely astral level. The vaccinated person, however, feels a false sense of security, which reveals a first incipient dissociation, represents a weakening in the general immune system and now weakens the intuitively healthy ability to react to viruses and bacterial infection. This dampening down of the healthy immune potential leads to a reduced ability to integrate things and ultimately to a poorer ability to process situations that are stressful or straining. Due to people being less able to incorporate things and their resilience being reduced, their ability to relate suffers and they tire more quickly, are lacking joy and are no longer able to enter into relationship with others as they would like to.

However, humanity must always be seen as a whole and if some people in a family are vaccinated and others not, the dissociations in the sense of a subtle body-soul-relationship continue to have an effect. The weakening of one person automatically causes unrest and also growing disassociation among relatives and friends. Ultimately, through the mass vaccination all people are weakened together, some are as if broken in their self-confidence, others harden and want to save themselves from the suggestions that continue to have an effect and fight for their rights and their natural position in society to the point of exhaustion.

What can individuals do for their health, so that they overcome the vaccination or the state of weakness?

Firstly, it is good not to fight mammon in a misplaced way and not to waste time discussing the so-called immorality and lies of the times. Those who really study spiritual and creative content quickly realise that they need to use all their strength to make a new start in life with good perspectives and a high quality of life.

Some people can no longer manage their daily workload and feel fatigued, unfit for work. These feelings of weakness and exhaustion should not be given in to, because when you get stuck in this cycle of these body signals the exhaustion begins to manifest itself permanently. Make a decision to walk up a hill for an hour and then make another to go on a longer hill walk every two weeks for four hours or so. Do not listen to your body, but develop an aim and an active sense of regenerative and constructive action.

It is best to carefully plan every day and complete the activities that should be done with the best intentions.

For an honourable individual escaping into groups is out of the question. I referred in detail to the manifestations that groups will bring with them in the forecast for 2024.5)See the outlook for 2024 – part 5 It is better to muster the courage for spirituality and to commit to orderly studies because these give the substance for life force, whereas fleeing into groups must lead to a growing increase in illness.

A form of practice that forms a foundation for object meditation is very important. It should not be a subjective indulgence, or a practice just in order to consume energy for oneself. Rather, an interest in the questions of spiritual life and the life after death would be of greater importance; this should be studied closely and one’s life steered according to contentful prerequisites.

False ideas can destroy relationships and can make people ill. The right ideas protect people and give them a good stand in life relatively quickly. This requirement is necessary today to set any individual aims.


1 The information on the significance of the hippocampus in Alzheimer’s disease can be found in the book by Michael Nehls, “The Indoctrinated Brain. How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom.” Skyhorse Publishers.
2 This information is based on personal observation, but is also confirmed by studies, as shown in the article “Global surge in cancer cases among under-50s”.
3 Also see the article by Mind: The impact of Corona Virus on Mental Health or the article: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Adult Mental Health and finally this article in the Lancet: Incidence, prevalence, and co-occurrence of autoimmune disorders over time.
4 See the author’s article: Cancer will continue to increase in the future.
5 See the outlook for 2024 – part 5

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