Illustration from “The Approach and Aim of Yoga out of the Purity of the Soul”
”From this perspective the physical body is not the primary starting point from which development begins into higher knowledge and planes of consciousness, it is the consciousness which is trained to a higher level through right sentiments, thoughts and exercises. This is ultimately expressed through the body, through speech, gestures and actions in expansiveness, beauty and wisdom.“
From: “The Approach and Aim of Yoga out of the Purity of the Soul”
The ”Path from above to below“ is a way of expression that we encounter again and again in the work of Heinz Grill. It describes in a vivid way the modern path of training, which always starts with the I of the individual. From the I, from the individuality as the highest limb of the being, the student works on the lower limbs, the so-called astral body, the etheric body and the physical body. Since students are regularly dealing with the great, all-encompassing ideas of the spiritual teacher, these ideas do not remain dry. Warmth and joy flow from them and enliven the consciousness and the astral body of the student. This has an uplifting effect on the etheric body and the life-forces, and ultimately the forces of the spiritual thoughts work from the etheric body onto the physical body, which during the time of training will also appear lighter, more flexible and harmonious in its form.
- “The Approach and Aim of Yoga out of the Purity of the Soul” see Booklet