The experience of the angel in the soul body

Originally posted in German on 6th August 2023

by Heinz Grill

Generally, the normal angel, the angelos, is considered to be a guardian angel to people. However, angels hold far more tasks than protecting people from misfortune and illness. They work as creator instances.

What does it mean that they work as creator instances?

When aspirants on their spiritual path turn towards true and spiritual content, leave behind their personal attachments and create a real relationship to the spiritual world, the individually oriented angels turn towards the human beings. They encourage all processes that are goal orientatedly formed in true thoughts and they give the human being a light face with beautiful, finely structured forms. The angels themselves live through their own light face. They elevate the thoughts and can create ideas supportive to subtlety-felt ideals. The angels are active in the soul body with the individual creative force of each human being.

Materialism, the many consumerist leanings, the often so easily spoken esoteric exchanges and the many self-centred exercises drive angels out of people’s souls. They are literally banished and with this individuals must feel cut off, trapped, as it were, in emotions or in body bound drives.

The following two pictures shows the angel turning away and the supersensible being-form turning towards the person.1) This theme was chosen to accompany the meditation letters No. 201 and 202. Enquiries about receiving these weekly meditation letters can be sent to:

Pictures by Birgit Lozina


1 This theme was chosen to accompany the meditation letters No. 201 and 202. Enquiries about receiving these weekly meditation letters can be sent to:

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