Originally posted in German on 6th April 2023
by Heinz Grill

The endeavour to resolve the wrongdoings of the time through discussions, demonstrations, counter-propaganda or generally by trying to point out the mistakes of others, that is, to fight the error, the lie that captivates humanity, does not, as experience shows, lead to any success, but even to the opposite and this is that feelings of despair increase.
Why can the abuses that occur to such a great extent in societal life and the social system not be combated and eliminated in a revolutionary way? Is this due to the lack of means available to all those people who endeavour to clarify the truth, or have the errors in today’s societal order and politics already fallen into such disgrace, that they react with ignorance and aggression to every reasonable argument brought or offered to them from the outside?
This question can be answered more easily if the effort is made and a spiritual view of the so-called worlds after death is developed, of those worlds, in which those who have died live on with their souls. Although this view requires the foundation of a solid spiritual clairvoyance and cannot be achieved through in a mediumistic or spiritualistic way, which is not uncommon, individuals can nevertheless get closer to these worlds with reason and with some calm repeated practice. The ways in which one slowly dedicates oneself to a real, fully mature and conscious clairvoyance, with the clearest reason and presence, are part of a spiritual training and inevitably lead to certain successes. A growing notion, which slowly matures to a knowing, ultimately comes about through the soul-presence in the after worlds.2) The difference between solid research and mediumistic transmissions or channelling is that these happen without one’s own, rational self-strengthening which forms the consciousness. These spiritual forms are more harmful than useful for people because they represent destabilisation of the psyche and ultimately generate many errors.
The souls, that once dwelled on earth and are now raptured into a very specific region on a body free level, experience the hopelessness of the fight for justice on an outer level, and they experience the contradiction that the world piles up with its bound, materialistic and indestructible dogmas.3) Detailed descriptions of the experiences that the souls of the deceased gain, and also the connection that they continue to seek to surviving relatives, can be found in the book “Caring for the Souls of the Dead” For the soul in the afterlife the error is a very peculiar phenomenon that only exists in physical reality and is a characteristic of unteachability. This erroneous behaviour, which has increased today to the point of being impenetrable, is particularly shown to be borne out of its own fear and non-reality. It is therefore foolish for someone to constantly want to teach others truths so that they finally realise their mistakes. Aggression upon aggression is generated the more these efforts to instruct are directed to a system that in itself is already completely inadequate and appears to be laden with fear.
The souls who dwell in the afterlife, in no way want to fight mistakes, they even warn against all revolutions and presumptuousness because they want people to ascend to a true, orderly spirituality and out of this become constructively active. The deceased for this reason do not fight. Rather, they rejoice in what has been created, in the well-chosen orientation towards spiritual criteria, and they give people an immediate light and congenial force when they steer their lives according to spiritual content.

A soul that died 12 years ago on Easter Sunday is that of the great Indian teacher Sathya Sai Baba. Today this soul has an effect worldwide and supports the principles of biodynamic cultivation, a good culture surrounding nutrition and furthermore directs itself with a particular ether force to all those that want to bring an actual spiritual idea – and it must be said emphatically, a truly spiritual idea – into realisation with a concrete form that has content.5) The person Sathya Sai Baba generally cannot be equated with his devotees, with his followers. While he embodies a very comprehensive Indian wisdom and radiates this with much charisma, the majority of his followers exhibit a terrible spiritual consumerism with an endless amount of egotism. This great soul has a sovereign, calming effect, like profound blue ether and says with a silent subtle-feeling something like the words: “Persevere with the force of your ideas, realise them repeatedly as deeds, because it is time to give this practical form of love as a gift to your fellow humans.6) Perseverance is one of the six qualities referred to by Rudolf Steiner in connection with the development of the heart centre. See Rudolf Steiner “The Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment” GA10. Perseverance refers above all to perseverance in spiritual striving, as this contributes to harmonisation in the world and tends to release a peace-making force.
⇑1 | See also the article „The art of Demonstrating” |
⇑2 | The difference between solid research and mediumistic transmissions or channelling is that these happen without one’s own, rational self-strengthening which forms the consciousness. These spiritual forms are more harmful than useful for people because they represent destabilisation of the psyche and ultimately generate many errors. |
⇑3 | Detailed descriptions of the experiences that the souls of the deceased gain, and also the connection that they continue to seek to surviving relatives, can be found in the book “Caring for the Souls of the Dead” |
⇑4 | Information about the current effect of Sathya Sai Baba’s soul can also be found in the Year Outlook 2022 part 4.(Not translated into English) |
⇑5 | The person Sathya Sai Baba generally cannot be equated with his devotees, with his followers. While he embodies a very comprehensive Indian wisdom and radiates this with much charisma, the majority of his followers exhibit a terrible spiritual consumerism with an endless amount of egotism. |
⇑6 | Perseverance is one of the six qualities referred to by Rudolf Steiner in connection with the development of the heart centre. See Rudolf Steiner “The Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment” GA10. Perseverance refers above all to perseverance in spiritual striving, as this contributes to harmonisation in the world and tends to release a peace-making force. |