It is interesting in this gospel passage that in the last sentences a strange demand is depicted; we should not give dogs what is holy and not throw pearls before pigs. This passage logically follows on from the definition of judgement. In any case there is no stronger way of squandering ourselves and the most valuable parts of our soul than to make unsound judgements and perhaps even to judge those people who want to bring development. When people today publicly condemn those who devote themselves to good endeavours, they squander the treasures they have previously achieved and give themselves up to a materialistic, primitive life of no value. It is similar when, purely out of personal attachment and their own incompetence, people condemn spirituality and those who make efforts for spirituality, and look for reasons to demean them. They actually throw their most valuable gifts to the dogs. The gospel passage is therefore composed with a very clear form, and it describes pictorially a deeply founded spiritual principle.
Photo: Guillermus Parisiensis: “Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia”, Basel
If we observe people when they are judging others, or in situations that seem threatening to them, it is possible to recognise that they are often succeeding in justifying and asserting themselves. Perhaps more than ninety percent of all judgements that are made in the world represent pure constructions for personal help and are either projections or unwarranted attempts at self defence, bearing the stamp of injury or ignorance. What are projections? They are fabricated or created arguments and are very closely related to prejudice or even condemnation. The typical manifestation of projection touches on an apparent seeing and perceiving of the other person, but only an apparent one. The perception and the right recognition of the circumstances appear through the whitewashed veil of the person‘s own reality. It is almost like a colleague who holds a number of slides in the light in order to recognise their principle theme and then furiously accuses the photographers of underexposing all the images. Unfortunately this person, so quick to judge, had forgotten to remove their very strong and impressive sunglasses, which gave them a particular charm, while looking at the pictures.
An example of projection and the wrong judgement that results from it
Envy, over-zealousness or incompetence in forming healthy perceptions and, in particular, states of personal weakness, lead to the forming of these common, premature judgements, which are nevertheless only a reflection of the person‘s own emotional and bound consciousness. For example, a woman sees sexualised ways of behaving everywhere, and denounces these with vulgar terms because her own sexual drives are so pronounced that she can only project her exuberant desire onto others. She deflects from herself. It is a matter of projecting her inner life outwards and judging other people: “They must be sexually driven”. Why do people constantly have to judge others? Distorted and projective forms of judgement are generally more common than correct and soundly developed, real judgements.
Why do good judgements not really find their way into the world at large?

Sucharit Bhakdi, Water colour: Cornelia Foerch
The spiritual perspective on forming a judgement is significant because it is important precisely for those people who are exploring the spiritual fundaments of our time and of future questions of development. What have the many positions and counter-positions in the political struggle for truth and lies yielded? They have almost always led to a hardening on both sides. The judgements of scientific research, like for example those of Bhakdi, were indeed well-founded and yet could not be used in a sufficiently constructive way. This was not the fault of Sucharit Bhakdi and his scientific work, but rather of the people who support it and yet are far too caught up in attachments and their own fears. Perhaps a simple system could be devised for evaluating when a truth is able to prevail and when it gets lost through all sorts of lies and political infighting.
In the human astral body the whole cosmos lives, then all personal relationships live, and in this astral body there are the exact proportions of good and bad, of build up and break down, of exemplary actions that produced a good form, and actions that produced an unfavourable form. With the cosmos, furthermore, the ancestors live and are directly connected to the deep unconscious. When people make a good judgement, or accept a true judgement that has been conveyed from the outside world, they need to be attuned in their own, good, independent way, in other words in a way that is free from attachment. The astral body can extend out freely and enjoy relationship when its inner conditions are in a pure, well-proportioned and sensitive relationship with a whole. However, when this is not the case, then the inner condition of attachment will suffocate a good judgement that exists. The perceptions of Sucharit Bhakdi, therefore, are right and yet fall upon far too much potential for attachment in people. It is these attachments in their sum that ultimately prevent the uncovering of the truth in science and in the way corona is dealt with. The inner relationship of how freely and expansively the consciousness can radiate out is significant if judgements are to manifest in the sense of a truth.
Spiritually it can be seen directly that the scientist Bhakdi is expressing something true and yet this truth is fed back by humanity as if in an ingested breathing process bound to people’s own carnal fears, and is robbed of its potential power.
The effect of astral forces
Furthermore, it is important to bring the light of our attention onto yet other aspects of the so-called astral body, which means much the same as the capacity of a person’s soul. An example taken from practical experience in the Sun Oasis at Naone can help us here. In the last two years, with the work in the spiritual courses, there were, in all, only four occasions where there were bad conditions and results. Around three hundred and fifty courses, weekends and weeks were able to be built up flawlessly. But what happened on those weekend courses, which could not happen constructively? They became the victim of judgement, and we do indeed have to treat this as having a malicious character. People came to these courses actually with a specific intention not to learn, but to disturb. They felt themselves to be of more value than the people working there and than the students who participated in a natural way. Some of these people were even trained yoga teachers, who however had never been able to order their relationships to their colleagues and to their closest friends. As soon as they had stepped through the doorway they began to make strong denunciations against the people teaching. For example, in their opinion the work and the way texts were approached was bad, although they themselves had never achieved proper work in this regard. The physical exercises were sometimes fiercely criticised, and precisely by those who had not once mastered the most elementary forms of the exercises. Instead of cautioning the people who had sparked off such unsound criticism, a strange self-surrender suddenly developed in the teachers and even in the participating students, and people thought they had to give particular attention to the criticism, which was of an unsound nature and only destructive.
The judgements that were hurled into the room in this way suddenly had an actual, complete influence on all the people who were making serious efforts to work. The judgements were also expressed in a very personal way; the teachers were supposedly proud, vain, and one already could see the complete delusion in their faces. Those who were judged in this way, after a short time, actually became unable to practise any asanas any more, and those who were portrayed as being proud and at the same time infantile could no longer read aloud properly or develop proper mental pictures. The chaos developed perfectly through the flinging around of malicious judgements. In any case, the judgements created a whirlwind and a drastic situation of sudden incompetence. The judgements were accusations, and guilt could actually be seen like a shadowy spectre in the aura of those concerned.
What processes take place on the astral plane, on the plane where subtle forces in the conscious and unconscious enter into a great interacting relationship? When people pass a judgement on something, or more still on a person, that they have not worked through and that is made with insufficient or even completely lacking perception, they create, for a group or for their fellow human beings, a kind of cosmic form, an astral form-being, which, from the moment it is not sufficiently recognised and rejected, works like a guiding principle. This being that is created actually becomes visible in the astral realm and works directly on those concerned and on the environment. As this being – elevated into a guiding principle – has been created into a reality through lacking awareness and a condemnation that has been spoken out, it exists like a foreign body, similar to a virus that has been produced in a laboratory, which is now set free and released onto humanity. The distorted entity of a wrong judgement becomes an existence. As it represents an astral reality, it can intuitively be taken up by many different people and can spread out in a chain of emotional or intellectual projections. Suddenly strangers display the judgements and often say the exact words that pertain to the distorted guiding principle directed to the judged person. So, for example, one person said that she always gets ill when she comes to Naone and that she therefore cannot come any more because she cannot cope with always getting ill. At first the conclusion seems totally logical, and to be a feasible personal experience. However, a more precise view corrects this statement and discovers the strong emotional attachments that it brings with it. This person actually arrived with a complete antipathy and positively looked for arguments against the event. She projected her antipathy onto the training sessions happening there and onto the people teaching. Suddenly an atmosphere arose in the teaching in which a large number of people asserted that they had become ill and that it was due to the bad teaching. Conflicts erupted with accusations, and no one knew any longer what the actual source was. Once, after some effort, the situation was able to be clarified, those present noticed that they had been taken captive by the guiding principle of a wrong judgement, and all the symptoms dissolved instantly and the joy of the teaching could be recommenced. Judgements made from attachments and projections in any case create a terrible distortion of reality and lead the people who follow these influences into fateful situations that are usually plagued with illness. These are all the more severe when they are made by spiritual students or one-time spiritual students, who ought to have a great responsibility.
Self destruction through wrong judgement
What happens, however, with those who express judgements and transpose their projections into the world? These people themselves enter into their own judgement, they become the guiding principle that they have created. When a sect commissioner2) In Germany sect commissioners are appointed by the Catholic Church to identify spiritual practitioners they regard as dangerous. accuses someone, with a view contrary to his own beliefs, of being a sociopath, then he himself becomes a sociopath. The judgements that are spoken out so rashly, from positions of faith, political zeal or lacking relationship, are made without sound perception, without thoughtful knowledge and without consciousness of the object being judged.
Wrong judgements create for the people they concern a direct self-condemnation. After the demise of the physical body, when the soul is set free in the after-world, individuals will enter into the structure, with its beams and heavy bars, that they have created for themselves through their judgements, and in it they will find their own imprisonment. They will become exactly that building, with all its spikes, corners, walls, opinionated columns, that they have created in their judgements. After they have left the bodily sphere, they can no longer make use of the vehicle of projection, and so they end up in the fateful state of their own judgement.
A real judgement is always constructive, future-oriented, harmless, joyful and gives life-forces. However, it needs work in order to achieve this, and examination from many angles. A wrong judgement based on projection is the strongest means of keeping people far from any spiritual development and closes to them any doors or gates to intact relationships. A wrong judgement might disguise the body and one‘s own unfortunate situation, but for how long and at what price? From the moment one person wrongly judges another, be it intentionally through misusing state or judicial power, or be it through difficulties in human relationships, the soul silently, deeply unconsciously, hands its most valuable forces over to the materialism of the world and creates an endless number of division processes. People who make wrong judgements harm themselves, as matter will ultimately lead them irrationally to homelessness and soullessness. It is approximately as if individuals place a wrong judgement into the world so that the world divides itself, and now as creators of this judgement they have to move into a dilapidated hut where they will be frightened that the roof-beams will fall on their heads. The judged people, however, who are not thoughtlessly content with the circumstances, but search further for the truth, and from the lies and dismissive judgements work for a clear understanding and explanation for what is happening, take up the positive forces that the judgemental people carry in their souls and are now no longer able to apply meaningfully. Through wisdom, the person who is judged can receive a happy prize. For example, a woman criticises the spiritual courses in the worst, psychopathic way. She becomes recognised by those who have to process and bear the suffering, and experienced in all her immaturity and weakness. Those who do not now submit to these insults, but work to recognise them, acquire an extraordinary beauty, while the offensive lady, in her psychopathic nature, exhibits an indescribable ugliness. In spite of existing judgement, the ways of wisdom can attain a happy ascent. In the astral regions the wrongly judged gain, if they are active in recognising, and do not get stuck in pure defence strategies with personal justifications. They receive a silent feed from the other person, while those who make the judgement surrender themselves in the most valuable parts of their soul and will sacrifice themselves to endless compensations and further delusions.3) A sense of how the spiritual world, in the form of an angel, draws back from someone who judges another, is expressed in simple language in the Grimm brothers‘ fairy tale „The three green twigs“. In this story a single, seemingly justifiable, yet unsound judgement of another person leads the protagonist to an immediate loss of spirituality with far-reaching consequences.
In the human astral body, wrong judgements turn the law courts onto the perpetrators themselves.
⇑1 | Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. It is interesting in this gospel passage that in the last sentences a strange demand is depicted; we should not give dogs what is holy and not throw pearls before pigs. This passage logically follows on from the definition of judgement. In any case there is no stronger way of squandering ourselves and the most valuable parts of our soul than to make unsound judgements and perhaps even to judge those people who want to bring development. When people today publicly condemn those who devote themselves to good endeavours, they squander the treasures they have previously achieved and give themselves up to a materialistic, primitive life of no value. It is similar when, purely out of personal attachment and their own incompetence, people condemn spirituality and those who make efforts for spirituality, and look for reasons to demean them. They actually throw their most valuable gifts to the dogs. The gospel passage is therefore composed with a very clear form, and it describes pictorially a deeply founded spiritual principle. |
⇑2 | In Germany sect commissioners are appointed by the Catholic Church to identify spiritual practitioners they regard as dangerous. |
⇑3 | A sense of how the spiritual world, in the form of an angel, draws back from someone who judges another, is expressed in simple language in the Grimm brothers‘ fairy tale „The three green twigs“. In this story a single, seemingly justifiable, yet unsound judgement of another person leads the protagonist to an immediate loss of spirituality with far-reaching consequences. |