Originally posted in German on 21st December 2024
by Heinz Grill
Before continuing to the outlook for 2025, which unfortunately is not so nice, I would like to present a short poem I have written on a well-known Indian mantra.
This mantra is as follows: lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu. It is sung in various Indian ashrams and in the broadest sense it is a very great peace mantra, with profound meaning. It is generally translated as: May all beings be happy. More precisely, however, the individual Sanskrit words contain a somewhat deeper meaning and describe the harmonious world light that tends towards connection or, otherwise expressed, the beautiful cosmic, soul-radiating and free consciousness of all those souls, who work happily onwards after death through their exemplary deeds.
The repetition of the mantra is very simple and it can be done with the individual thoughts described in the poem. The purer and higher part of the human consciousness, that through refinement and effort has risen to a real relational love, remains after death and creates harmony. It is this part that can, through its harmony, create peace.
Literally translated, this mantra means:
“The worlds appear in harmonious connection and become happy.”
The soul in the connection and harmony of realisation after death
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu
When the sense of the soul is free and mature,
it lives on in heaven, a child of light,
becoming a being high and pure,
it is actually yours, and thus is delight.
Indeed, that soul is a sphere of light,
a creature free, without hint of woe,
gently exalted with deep delight,
it lightens the cosmos in love’s wide glow.
Weightless in the light to rest,
untouched by density of earthly pain.
In song of truth, the bygone quest
is like a high star, free in its domain.
Nothing clings to this light of the soul,
no dirt, or shadow of illusion
It is the joy of one and all,
the home of light in the garden of Eden.
As lifetimes flow by too eager to stall,
soon, floods of light beyond boundaries shall rove.
There in heaven, united with all,
the soul assimilates into its grove.
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu
This reality, which lives in the mantra and is further specified in the poem does exist, and lives hidden in world creation. The external, visible reality of life, that of daily ups and downs, which contains all kinds of distortions and tensions, and captures the emotional-mind, may well be closer than which is contained in the mantra.
In a similar sense, the outlook for 2025 does not contain a favourable prognosis and does not offer much hope purely for external life. The days leading up to the turn of the year will already bring a great tension and so all those who strive for genuine truths and solid awareness must be prepared for very tough confrontations.