Originally posted in German on 4th January 2025
by Heinz Grill
Similar to the way a great number of individualities stand at a threshold of a new spiritual beginning, so the countries too, in their individual traditional, cultural, moral and aesthetic significance, are unable to progress in their material fabric alone and so need a new kind of spark.
A spiritual look into the free cosmos, where pure light reigns, shows how a seedbed or a kind of blossom of beauty wants to resurge, yet is as if clothed in ugliness. Delicately, inconspicuously and invisibly this blossom exists. In human beings the same picture is mirrored, only condensed, and coarser than in the cosmos. There are many ugly manifestations that take effect through people and direct their faces, their appearance, right to their individual behaviours, and they well and truly prevent the germination of what is beautiful or morally necessary in the world. The year 2025 will nevertheless produce some beautiful people and will sadly depict many with further ugliness.
Seen spiritually, it is truly a kind of wise battle in heaven, which struggles for its birth like the burgeoning liberation of a blossom, and yet is as if awash and trapped in the rising powers of false will-movements. Sadly, very great are these ugly will-movements, carried by people and by unredeemed powers from beyond.
The countries would be happy to meet, but the powers of individual materialistic desire and the injuries that come from vein ideologies do not allow this meeting on a global geopolitical level. Although there is a European union, it is only united on a few issues of enmity, such as for example against Russia. A real connection between countries, culturally and in terms of content, wants to germinate but the expert and moral courage for this is lacking. Only in very small groups will a few petals be freed and lifted to beauty.
Outwardly, in sport and in various touristic encounters, however, far more connections between countries arise than on economic or political levels. The future for all European countries is very difficult, as they cannot access their originality and therefore work more on outer conflicts rather than on real themes that can lead to connection.
England is in a very critical position in the whole global plan and leans towards ambitions for war, some more evident and some less so. Although this country no longer belongs to the EU, it is nevertheless a part of Europe and has no standing. Its former power in colonial politics presents no future. It is hard for England to find itself and it cannot become effective in foreign policy in the way that it used to be. Its relationship to Ukraine is actually an attempt to carry out colonial politics. Internally, however, there is strong cultural degeneration and growing impoverishment. England would like to be a country with a sense of honour, with whose individualities a fine posture with a clear mental orientation can arise. However, hardship is driving it into further cultural loss.
Germany would be the country that could unleash a great balancing force for the whole of the Middle East. Justice in Germany brought surprises which revealed drastic tremors within the entire legal profession. The handling of doctors and people who took particularly individual positions is incomprehensible still today, and comparable with a criminal offense. The justice system in particular was seen by me as an essential radiating platform for the Middle-Eastern conflict. Equality and the right application of laws could stabilise the human heart centre and provide a form of order and assurance. However, if this is led too much by political or other interests and adheres too little to real, sound legitimacy, the entire nation becomes unsettled. However, it is not only the people in this individual country who feel affected in many ways. If the question of German justice and its disproportionate nature is looked at precisely, it leads, via a spiritual pathway, to rising unrest in other countries and particularly in those that have a close connection through history. It is as if the heart constantly beats out of rhythm, causing an imbalance in all the other organs. The whole world is like one great organism and each country has a deep significance for the whole.
Alongside legal cases with all their shortcomings for a real order, for the coming time individuals must achieve a feeling for justice, without taking the law into their own hands and seeking vengeance on their own authority. A strengthening of self is strongly called for in Germany, but also in many other countries. However, the spiritual minds to strengthen the self are lacking. The philosophers, the great thinkers and cultural pioneers of the past. They are as if buried by the current problems. Those who have disputes with others nearly always feel that they are in the right, but this is emotional assertiveness which results in suffering. But how or where is this right really, according to both earthly and spiritual law? The unfolding of a really deep reaching feeling of justice within individuals could lead to world balance through a harmonious, peaceful situation of the heart. The paths towards this are right at the beginning and have not yet really started at all.
Germany bears a great psychological burden from the past, while England, France or America, for example, still pursue a stronger form of colonial politics in supplying Ukraine with money and weapons. By contrast, America cannot help but grasp at the world and constantly expand. It is part of American nature to spread and to carry out pioneering work, while Russia thinks in exactly the opposite way and strives for internal order within the country. Generally, Russia even has a certain difficulty in opening more strongly for others and taking an interest in them. Were the people of the European nations, and quite particularly Germany, to access their own nature, the situation would send stabilising rays out to both countries with their reciprocal polarity. The conflicts, however, are constantly increasing and even Donald Trump will be unable to resolve them, as the European situation is completely destabilised. France will adopt a future role that is not simple. In this country a false Jupiter is appearing.1)The planets with their signatures give the countries a very specific characteristic. For Jupiter it would be the ability to think or to plasticise thought. This ability can, however, also be corrupted. The head is then no longer a comprehensive leader, but only a pseudo-authority.
Zelenskyi will continue to lose people’s faith in the coming time. Ukraine will unfortunately develop into a very diverse terrorist network and carry out frequent attacks. Terrible terrorist cells will emerge from the nation. The independent identity of Ukraine is barely conceivable due to the self-serving politics of the West. It is a country that actually no longer knows who it is, and this situation also has a very negative impact on the whole world. One could say that Ukraine is absent, and this lack is like a chasm in the world as a whole.
The Middle and Far East
The countries need to find their own values. Even China is in a certain degree of identity crisis as very strong materialistic currents are pushing it to its limits. Italy has reached a point of severe suffering both in its health system and in its economy. Turkey is likewise to be rated as extremely critical as its foreign policy towards Syria is preventing it from finding its own national value. Turkey is in a very bad economic position and is veering towards being driven to war.
Syria would be a very important country for the whole world situation, in a similar way to Egypt. Just as a kind of sun emanates from Egypt, in the same sense a kind of austere and Saturnine force streams out from Syria onto the world balance. Because the country has now been further infiltrated by foreign influences, one could say that a kind of balance is missing for a whole. What is the centre in Damascus now, and how does the centre in Syria feel? Once again, a country has lost its identity and because of this a part of the world whole is missing.
A look at the whole global situation and national strengths shows that America is in a major crisis. For European countries the question of exiting from the EU is being raised increasingly. In the background a hidden discussion is taking place about causing an economic collapse, but these plans have not materialised in the last year and neither does it seem as if their enactment will be feasible this year. The global economic slump with a new monetary order is amongst the plans surrounding world health and as yet is not materialising. The WHO will continue to lose power. The internet will be chaotic for the coming year and will be subject to many disruptions and curtailments. Media politics, however, is at its end and there are as yet no ideas that could replace it in the sense of a greater morality. On the one hand, people no longer believe what they hear through the media and on the other hand they are addicted to information. Truth and falsehood stand directly side by side and drive polarities forward. The year 2025 is a year of fear and polarisation. The universal materialism works like a psychological web, leading to further schizoid behaviours, and suffocating everything that is moral or spiritual. Hardship drives people to further conflict-laden actions.
With this view of a global whole, it is obvious that Russia is currently the strongest country. For Putin a very difficult year lies ahead. It is really critical, both for his health and for his survival. Attacks on Putin of the most sophisticated kind are apparent.
Israel has already lost itself through its own hostile actions and although it appears powerful in a military sense, seen spiritually it feels as if it has collapsed.
The year of unrest and fear
The use of biological and even nuclear weapons is becoming a pressing issue as some countries search for a way out. The year 2025 will be a year of unrest and fear and a great deal of violence will be visible. Already in the next two months it will become clear whether emotions are dominating reason or whether reason is able to steer and channel the emotions.
A great dilemma comes about specifically through the fears that rise up out of people, like intrusions, to an ever stronger degree and provoke all sorts of delusions and unrest. Outward attempts by countries to find a solution to problems will lead to growing states of imbalance and even to violent conflicts. Just as human beings need to reflect on themselves, every country needs to reflect on its own values and its own cultural assets. These need to be set upright out of an inner place that is free from violence, to become a harmonious equilibrium. The pathways there have unfortunately hardly been conceived for the period ahead and therefore the health and economic structures have virtually collapsed.

⇑1 | The planets with their signatures give the countries a very specific characteristic. For Jupiter it would be the ability to think or to plasticise thought. This ability can, however, also be corrupted. The head is then no longer a comprehensive leader, but only a pseudo-authority. |