Posted on 25th July 2023
by Heinz Grill
Drawing by Melissa Winter
The capacity of uprightness, courage and wisdomful strength to meet with the phenomenon of this world, both with the good as well as with the evil, characterise the spiritual substance of morality. In probably no other work of art is this capacity to be upright displayed better than in David by Michelangelo of Florence. David fights against Goliath, the symbol of powerful, superior evil and emerges victorious through his resolute attitude. An attitude of courage never means blind bravado but alertness, wisdom and the capability to meet life in all situations. Morality forms the spiritual substance for this attitude.
The reason for this pictorial representation of an artistic expression of morality is that the previous few and future meditation letters deal with the subject of this spiritual virtue and substance.1) For some years now, weekly meditation letters have been sent on request to anyone interested. If you are interested, please contact
Morality is that unique spiritual force which, irrespective of physical weaknesses, of emotional attachment, psychological injuries and vicious compensations, grasps a highest idea and realises this purposefully in a deed.
Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller speaks about morality as follows:
“Nature in its physical creation maps out the path, which man has to walk morally. Not before the fight of elemental forces in the lower organisations is appeased, does nature lift itself to nobly form the physical human being.”
Friedrich Schiller, Theoretical Works. About the aesthetic education of mankind in a series of letters, 1793-1794 7th Letter.
Rudolf Steiner defines morality as a body free force:
“For no other real definition of morality is possible than this: Moral is that which man decides, which man does through forces that are independent of his body.”
Moral Impulses and Their Results GA159
⇑1 | For some years now, weekly meditation letters have been sent on request to anyone interested. If you are interested, please contact |