by Heinz Grill
Differing immune reactions in inflammatory and chronic illnesses
In chronic illnesses, and particularly in the much feared carcinomas, we can usually discover a specific, or general weakness in the immune defences. Acute inflammations, on the other hand, which are usually accompanied by attacks of fever, display a very lively reaction of the body’s defences and, if these occurrences do not become frequent, can be considered as desirable. More specifically, these fever reactions demonstrate the vigorous warmth-generating character of the person, while in chronic illnesses, carcinomas and serious neurological illnesses, the cold, gradual kind of reaction predominates.
Different approaches to explaining illness
The scientific method generally attributes human pathology to physical circumstances, such as for example genetics, toxicity, life imbalance, exhaustion, psychological stress situations, nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle. The significance of morality has been eliminated probably from all explanatory models used by conventional and natural medicine. This article, which puts forward a specific and educated encounter with negative influences, examines the question of whether the start of all illnesses is rooted in an unseen lack of moral human duty, and not only of the individual sufferer but of humanity in general. We could even ask ourselves whether, in the era of a materialistic culture, which puts the principle of consuming in first place, is not the person who is diagnosed with an adaptation disorder even perhaps healthier than the person who goes with the flow in the greatest compliance with the power games of the system. In any case, morality as the deepest value of humanity, ought to be considered more precisely. How is morality expressed, what dimension lives in it?
Confronting evil and its strengthening effect on the immune system
The concept of morality represents a greatness of human character and its best-developed capacities in the sense of an ennobled existence.1) According to Hegel, morality is ” the simple knowing and wanting of one’s pure duty in acting” (Rudolf Eisler, Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Expressions) A contrary principle to this really human, inner greatness, is shown in the common appearance of so-called moralising, which in its basic traits displays nothing other than pre-judging and emotionally coloured human inclinations. Morality is bold, convincing, it carries a natural power without demonstrating powerful gestures outwardly. It is authority and it is not bound only to a cultural era, but is universally valid. However this development towards morality, which every human being probably strives for inwardly, consciously or unconsciously, through their spiritual heritage, can be greatly transgressed. When this occurs and – as very often happens particularly today in a manipulatively led mass-media culture – the courage to stand up does not come about, one can not help but say: Overall our present time makes people ill and the product of this degeneration is an ever weakening human being. The citizen of this current culture of suggestion is inevitably predestined to join in and go with the flow. Confrontation with so-called evil represents a daring but very effective step towards maturing the inner will-structures of every human being.

The so tempting and seemingly comfortable words that one should avoid evil and never confront people with a negative temperament, as one might absorb their destructive energies or fall prey to their cunning and become evil oneself, is a formulation similar to when children hold their hand in front of their eyes and say: “You can’t’ see me because I can’t see you”. Precisely because of this imagined, protection-seeking and fearful attitude, the negative forces seep in like fallen rain into the water table. To the same extent the character traits of the suggestive, opinion-moulding system and dictatorial authorities take possession of the innermost kernel of human beings. Citizens of today participate with their freedom of opinion in the opinions that have already long been formed, and notice in the fewest of cases that they no longer know the object of their formed opinion. They promote peace, freedom, equality, justice, humanity and love, and completely forfeit these values in themselves through the manipulative conditions of the times. The tragedy, as Erich Fromm put it, is that people will have died by the time they have developed their potential for love.
One of the real possibilities for rapid development and strengthening of the immune system is actually confrontation with some evil forces which are actually operative,2) The term immune system comes from the Latin (immunis) and means free, pure, untouched. The immune system is generally understood to mean the biological defence system, which prevents tissue damage through pathogens. The immune system consists of mechanical barriers (e.g. skin, mucous membrane), cells (e.g. granulocytes, natural killer cells, T-lymphocytes), proteins which serve as messenger substances or to directly reject pathogens. Psychological immune factors are also included.
Heinz Grill understands the immune system as an integration system, as the immune response initially demands an intensive process of perception and confrontation with the harmful influence, before the right reaction to eliminate or fight can take place in the body. and that means real confrontation not just hasty defence. However it is too little to concern oneself with the electrosmog and its devastating consequences, and to identify the evil as being actually in matter, for example in the high frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The object with which individuals must concern themselves is the human being, because human beings are at the start of all inventions, techniques and achievements. How does it come about, for example, that such a large number of people have decided upon a fifth generation of mobile communications in spite of the extreme burden on health cited? It seems that no development can stop human beings in their drive for advancing, harmful technology. Confrontation with evil must always be an anthropological, certainly sociological and last but not least a religious-spiritual research issue. What factors drive human beings, in respective individual cases or in larger collective alliances, to schemes which are contrary to morality, ethics, aesthetics and natural sensitivity? With these and further kinds of questions, – and this is the specific point – individuals do not absorb the forces of the time unconsciously, rather they become emancipated to achieve further thinking, and at once raise the question in themselves as to how and what better, more ideal prerequisites would need to be created so that people can find their way to their real capacity and dignity.
The immune system is a perception system
The human immune system works through processes of perception. Perception, and its positive development in the sense of differentiation and strengthening, is one of the first significant forms of reaction of the immune system. Memory cells are developed by the endogenous defence mechanisms, which organise this internal perception and react to substances that cannot be tolerated with differentiating specificity.3) Following an infection, specific antibodies and memory cells are preserved so as to enable a rapid, specific immune reaction upon renewed contact with the pathogen. The immune system develops further in its precise capacity for recognition by increasing the number of specific memory cells. In a transferred sense, human beings can develop their perceptive capacity, and their ability to form thoughts about certain phenomena brought about by humanity, and then encounter these phenomena with a healthier power of self. The body’s inner capacity for perception in the cellular and humoral immunity, strategically distributed, for example to the B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes, usually remains unconscious, while outwardly people must develop a fully mature and expanding consciousness for the environmental conditions, human idiosyncrasies and also for evil.4) The cells of the adaptive immune response (basically the T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes) are in a position to recognise specific offending structures and form targeted cellular defence mechanisms and molecular antibodies.
Bespoke antibodies are produced by the B-lymphocytes or also by the plasma cells. They can recognise specific protein structures or sugar chains (antigens) on the surface of the foreign substance that has penetrated, and attach to these. In this way the foreign substances are is either directly made harmless, or they are made recognisable for other scavenger cells (phagocytes).
Cellular immunity: The cells of the immune system circulate in blood vessels and lymph channels and also appear in the tissues. They can either eat up the pathogens themselves (phagocytes), or attract other immune cells to the place of the inflammation by producing immuno-modulators and cytokynins.
Humoral immunity (from humor, fluid): The humoral components of the immune system identifies various plasma proteins (antibodies, complement system, interleukins), which circulate passively in the fluid of the blood, lymph or tissues. In contrast to the immune cells, they cannot migrate actively to the place of the infection. A lack of protein can lead to weakened immunity.
With a first infection, initially the cells of the innate immune system react. They can devour the pathogen, assimilate it. Subsequently they present specific fragments of the pathogen on their surface to the cells of the adaptive immune response, i.e. the T- and B-lymphocytes, which become activated there. These can now kill off the pathogens directly, or mark them for destruction by further immune cells. Following a first infection, antibodies and memory cells remain, so as to be able to react quickly upon renewed contact with the pathogen.
It is not right, even dangerous, to open a bad book or a manipulative article, and then instantly put it down though fear, or as has sometimes even happened, eagerly destroy it, in order not to be affected by the negative influences. If healthy people were no longer to walk on the streets in the winter months or when the seasons are changing, when there are many viruses and bacteria around, in order to protect themselves allegedly from germs, they would be under threat of an alarming weakness. Germs want to be tackled by human beings, processed and ultimately overcome through greater immune strength. The human individual is not like a plant, which has to go indoors with the first frost and be taken from the balcony into the living room as soon as evening comes. Maturity requires a confrontation with the most contrasting phenomenon, both the positive and the negative.
Lies influence the forming of opinions and disturb health.
The belief that the human mind could evade the effects of lies, humiliation and deceit by avoiding and disregarding them, ultimately has disastrous consequences. It is the so-called astral body, the subtle carrying force for the consciousness and the unconscious, which basically communicates with the events and phenomena of the worlds. Seen practically, the existence of the astral body means that human beings participate in the realities of those close to them, their surroundings and ultimately in the entirety of the universe. For example, someone hears a lie about someone else. This person now lacks the time and leisure to examine this lie more closely. Outwardly they might feel a lack of interest in the lie and dismiss it as irrelevant. Inwardly however, this lie with its implicit motive takes hold of the person who receives it without reflection. As soon as the communication happens, not only are the outer words transmitted and heard via the air waves, but hidden and unseen, the motives underlying the words are conveyed. With a small drop that falls from a huge cloud and is carried far and wide by the wind, the inner motive of the lie reaches those people who are probably almost indifferent. If what has been read, heard, and said in life is not confronted, these small drops begin to develop their own life in the person’s organs and from these unconscious, deep levels they will reach the consciousness. The person therefore repeats the opinions that have been formed through information, news or statements that have been absorbed unconsciously and have not been worked through. It is not real judgements that appear in most reproduced opinions, rather it is the drops of water with their infiltrated motives that are ignited by the opinion-moulding system and false campaigns. People do not really confront the effects of lies. The consciousness then no longer perceives the world according to the true and solid thoughts of a judgement that has actually been formed independently, but according to the colourings and infiltrations that have been dictated to it.
Conversations clarifying how lies have penetrated inside people and manifested in various forms of disharmony, conflict and illness, have brought some astonishing instances of healing. Advanced rheumatic disorders were able to be cures entirely without medication. Severe infections diminished visibly with the recognition of the lie – directly within the session itself – and even serious cases of depression quickly moved into a healing process. However, confrontation with evil must not take place from the vain standpoint that someone who practises it automatically ranks among the so-called “good”.
Establishing the truth, developing a judgement, and freedom of consciousness always happen through targeted perception of the most varied phenomena. Just as the immune system reacts against toxins and foreign bodies with processes of perception, so human beings have to start with the discipline of learning to perceive a morally free, high-quality action and by contrast an immoral, false statement. Fundamentally, however, human beings do not become ill because – as we are so quick to say – they have caught a cold, but they become ill through the motives which they partly carry within themselves or which they absorb from outside as an external burden, and which give them a temperature imbalance causing a defensive fever reaction. The immune system can be strengthened and developed further though targeted processes of perception, and through researching to develop insight.
⇑1 | According to Hegel, morality is ” the simple knowing and wanting of one’s pure duty in acting” (Rudolf Eisler, Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Expressions) |
⇑2 | The term immune system comes from the Latin (immunis) and means free, pure, untouched. The immune system is generally understood to mean the biological defence system, which prevents tissue damage through pathogens. The immune system consists of mechanical barriers (e.g. skin, mucous membrane), cells (e.g. granulocytes, natural killer cells, T-lymphocytes), proteins which serve as messenger substances or to directly reject pathogens. Psychological immune factors are also included. Heinz Grill understands the immune system as an integration system, as the immune response initially demands an intensive process of perception and confrontation with the harmful influence, before the right reaction to eliminate or fight can take place in the body. |
⇑3 | Following an infection, specific antibodies and memory cells are preserved so as to enable a rapid, specific immune reaction upon renewed contact with the pathogen. |
⇑4 | The cells of the adaptive immune response (basically the T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes) are in a position to recognise specific offending structures and form targeted cellular defence mechanisms and molecular antibodies. Bespoke antibodies are produced by the B-lymphocytes or also by the plasma cells. They can recognise specific protein structures or sugar chains (antigens) on the surface of the foreign substance that has penetrated, and attach to these. In this way the foreign substances are is either directly made harmless, or they are made recognisable for other scavenger cells (phagocytes). Cellular immunity: The cells of the immune system circulate in blood vessels and lymph channels and also appear in the tissues. They can either eat up the pathogens themselves (phagocytes), or attract other immune cells to the place of the inflammation by producing immuno-modulators and cytokynins. Humoral immunity (from humor, fluid): The humoral components of the immune system identifies various plasma proteins (antibodies, complement system, interleukins), which circulate passively in the fluid of the blood, lymph or tissues. In contrast to the immune cells, they cannot migrate actively to the place of the infection. A lack of protein can lead to weakened immunity. With a first infection, initially the cells of the innate immune system react. They can devour the pathogen, assimilate it. Subsequently they present specific fragments of the pathogen on their surface to the cells of the adaptive immune response, i.e. the T- and B-lymphocytes, which become activated there. These can now kill off the pathogens directly, or mark them for destruction by further immune cells. Following a first infection, antibodies and memory cells remain, so as to be able to react quickly upon renewed contact with the pathogen. |