Originally posted in German on 24th December 2023
by Heinz Grill
The way in which a forecast is drawn up
The difference between this forecast and the general, conventional predictions that are made by astrologers or analysts in specific fields, is that it happens out of spiritual perception. Human development takes place on earthly planes and furthermore it particularly brings about soul characteristics, that are important for a certain time. However, the source of all development lies in its consequence in the spiritual supersensible sphere, which with hidden intentions leads human existence through various events that are sometimes difficult to understand or may often seem contradictory. Which spiritual forces will work on humanity in 2024? How do they gain a visible expression and determine external events in societal life, in religion and in general economic and human existence?
Christmas is usually a joyful, light filled festival and normally lends itself to peaceful words. However, it is not uncommon for people who experience themselves as deeply grounded in the spirit to feel as if they are in a prison particularly during the Christmas period, while in front of the bars other people tend to their dancing festivities.
For this reason, I cannot wish everyone a Merry Christmas but would like to accompany this time with a call to develop insightful knowledge and the most thorough self-examination.
The following articles will elaborate on the development processes that are approaching humanity from the spiritual side.