Originally posted in German on 5th December 2024
Collaborative work is planned on the following topics for the Artists’ Days from 16th December to 1st January.
- The art of asana
- Creative forms in music
- Developing rhetoric for the expression of thoughts
- The heart centre and peace in the sense of a world balance – what practical steps are necessary for the development of the heart centre
- Observation of works of art in architecture and fine art
- Collaborative creative work
- The art of working together
- Co-creation and collaboration in formulating the yearly outlook
The Artist’s days can be attended without prior experience. It is recommended to take part for a minimum of three days.
Booking and Information:
E-Mail: info@yoga-und-synthese.de
Tel. 0049-(0)1575-3558959 or 0039 0465700125
Time and Place:
Monday 16th December 2024, starting at 9:30am to Wednesday 1st January, finishing at 1pm in Lundo, Trentino (North Italy)
Food and Board:
Two wholesome vegetarian meals will be served per day. Accommodation available on request.
Event organiser:
Imme Koll, Specialist in health education and regeneration, Organisation.