Originally posted in German on 1st January 2024
by Heinz Grill
For the first time, truth gains the upper hand over lies
It is the Archai, the primordial building forces, who want to further a growing language of truth and are able to raise the health situation up to an essentially more stable level.1) The word ἀρχή (archḗ) is found in terms like “archeology” or “archaic”. It describes the origin or the original beginning of something. The Archai are high spiritual beings, which act as spirits of personality and also as spirits of time, but not in the sense that is understood today, as bringing about certain trends, but rather in determining the causes of current events. For this reason, research into the Archai is of particular significance for forecasting (see the article Spirits of Time on en.anthro.wiki) Speaking out all those truths that an individual has achieved through experience, research, scrutiny and lengthy observation, not only frees the person who speaks the words, but purifies the atmosphere and lifts up the listeners.
The year 2024 allows the many lies, propagated by the media and spoken by people who have been taken over by suggestion, to melt like snow in the sun. Lies will expose themselves more and more, like bad gossip, and even when they try to soar up in a foolhardy way, they will lose the allure they once had.
There are a whole range of evil people, who only live because they want to pursue, insult, ostracise and destroy others. These people are also a part of world creation, even if a very unpleasant, dark one. At first sight these people do not come across as being very beautiful. However, these people have to exist because they have to take on the karma of others, of those who rise up to a flame-like personality. The abusers give their forces to those they abuse, and if these people only react with some wisdom they become stronger in their thinking and feeling.
The angels of the Archai support the people who are ostracised and become enmeshed in a network of lies. Banishment, insults and sanctions, that are thrown onto striving people, do not have to be asked for in a time of complete materialism, as they will occur as surely as the rain and the bad weather. On the surface, articulate and refined battles take place so that a sense of honour exists on a worldly plane. Those who crush others with insults and lessen their reputation close themselves off from the possibilities to develop. In the silent, untouched depths of their souls, they notice how they themselves are in a lonely dungeon. However, perhaps not necessarily obviously but more in an absolutely secret and silent way, those whom they fight and want to destroy begin to love the world. Hearts inwardly stream to those who are ostracised, and quietly needs awaken to get to know the person who has been condemned. The aggressor remains in his lonely chambers and ultimately nobody takes an interest in him. The angels of the Archai further the forces of love for all those who in their lives have to bear shame and ridicule, injustice and violence.
In the year 2024 more attention should be paid to this connection because it is becoming more obvious than in any past years.

Painting by Melissa Winter

Melissa Winter

However, a further fact will be brought to an initial awareness, and this is also connected with these high angels, who lift up the will of human beings. Subtly, very sensitively, individuals experience the significance of decision, or generally of the presence of mind to set a conscious, moral aim. Those who venture towards a future, well-considered step in life, with rational clarity and a conscious decision, will feel a silent, ever clearer stream of strength in their minds and eventually in their bodies, offering them healthy possibilities and gradually leading them to growing success. Although spirituality today has very negative associations, nevertheless true spiritual endeavours and above all true insights, developed and spoken out by individuals, will contribute to a liberating atmosphere.
Games of hide and seek with respect to true insights has to lead to personal diminishment in 2024, and in general weakens social interaction. The courage to communicate with clear thoughts and content-ful arguments leads to better human relationships and strengthens people.
There is a very bad basis for any attempts to rebel against injustice in 2024, and every rebellion against lies and manipulative ploys consumes the healthy human forces. Individual human beings will be supported by the Archai to carry out tasks in humble and yet daring steps with growing courage. They, people themselves, must decide, as without the most thorough personal decision the high forces of the original beginning cannot raise up the will and give it wings. Rebelling against injustice should only last for a very short time, because any uprising feeds the unwanted pole. The existing systems and fraudulent suggestions will vanish naturally if they are left in peace and people dedicate themselves to independent and more culture-friendly tasks.
The greatest courage will even be demanded of many people in 2024, in order to leave the injustice and wickedness of all the phenomena of the times, and all their personal concerns in peace and to begin a growing, responsible cultural task. Every small lapse into discussion about good and bad immediately causes these angels of the archaic plane of world creation to recede.
Germany will produce some people who contribute towards astonishing strength-impulses for others. At the same time, as is probably outwardly visible, this nation has the best basis for leading itself into endless degradation processes.
The German justice system will still deliver many a surprise in the sense of corrupt use of the law. Although in this field, first signs of change are visible, there will still have to be further degeneration. The judicial office is no longer free but more or less centralised.
Many doctors will object to centralisation measures and will develop very good conditions that allow medicine to care for patients individually.
The scheming of the World Health Organisation will seem very tough at the beginning and will ultimately fail.
There will be people who suddenly rise to an astonishing beauty and at the same time a not insignificant number, who assert themselves verbally, will grow uglier through their projections.
The Archai can continue to set free astonishing reserves of strength from people, to give momentum and future impulses, as long as there is a clear decision. Those who are weakened gain new forces if they really move resolutely towards a universally valid aim.
⇑1 | The word ἀρχή (archḗ) is found in terms like “archeology” or “archaic”. It describes the origin or the original beginning of something. The Archai are high spiritual beings, which act as spirits of personality and also as spirits of time, but not in the sense that is understood today, as bringing about certain trends, but rather in determining the causes of current events. For this reason, research into the Archai is of particular significance for forecasting (see the article Spirits of Time on en.anthro.wiki) |