Originally posted in German on 3rd January 2025
by Heinz Grill
Nearly all prophecies that exist for this current time and also for the coming year, say that the whole of humanity is facing a new beginning and that old, previously suitable structures need to be transformed once again or raised to a new level. Most people feel that their individual strengthening is necessary and that system-orientated authorities such as religion, church or state cannot give security and are no longer suitable.
In astrology, there are three planets that are mainly referred to as playing a leading role in the future, being the planets that were discovered later, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. What role do these planets play? Astrology ascribes a dissolving and transforming force to Pluto. Previous systems can be wrecked, like a ship in the surf, due to their unsuitability. However, from where, and this is the critical question, does humanity draw the strength for transformation? Does not every replacement of the old require a mature and good substance of new formation and healthier perspectives?
The year 2025 is therefore a very critical year, because there is a disparity between new substance and dissolution processes. The spiritual forces are insufficient and these must be evolved by humanity and can never come from extraterrestrials. Humanity itself must master the strength for a new beginning. It is nonsensical to believe in UFOs and extraterrestrial people, who are now helping to support humanity.
Those that have died are, however, significant, both those who have recently departed, and those who have already resided for a while in the afterlife. Humanity needs the soul forces of the dead, and they in turn need the achievements that take place during mortal life through diligent efforts and moral commitment. It is therefore important not to cultivate the belief in extraterrestrial help in the sense of a materialistic picture of UFOs and star people, but to remain in the reality of soul existence, which if it is studied carefully, rests both in human hearts and in the souls of the dead.
The mantra lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu is addressed from an ancient wisdom to that world which has found a kind of happy unification in the hereafter. The souls who assiduously and wisely brought good achievements during earthly life, gift inspiring ambition for good ideas that works back on the human state of mind and can give forces for strengthening subtle-feelings in the soul. They are souls who are samastah, that is, united, united by their pure and spiritual orientated activities from their days on earth. The belief in aliens, that can save the world, would be better forgotten and it would be more beneficial to turn to the substances that, through wisdom and love, have already entered into earthly creation and the cosmic world.

The experience of working on future perspectives over 15 days brought astonishing results in terms of the changes that could be experienced in the surroundings of Lundo in relation to the light. Through the spiritual and meditative study an increasing amount of calm was created that could even be captured photographically. The trees, the slopes, the mountain edges were completely oriented to the earthly sphere and at the same time clothed by a three-dimensional shimmer of warmth with a subtle-feeling of receptiveness. The calm radiated from the people to nature and ultimately from nature back to the participants.

The days around the turn of the year are short and in these phases the souls that have passed can communicate with subtler sensitivity with those left behind. Christmas is therefore a festival of sensitive calmness and charm. Independent of all the commercial events and warmongering, the deceased step a little closer to humanity at this time of winter. One only needs to pay attention to the subtle-feelings that can be experienced in these phases of winter. In some moments they seem to touch one and, despite the cold, provide a sensitive feeling of home.
After night had fallen, the immediate light shimmer of etheric, inspirational force from the afterlife could be observed over the 15 days. These phenomena can certainly be easily explained by the position of the sun, which lies behind the mountains and illuminates the back of the mountains, and there is also a very usual physical law in these gentle, playful forms of light. What is amazing, however, is that this light is not just light alone but contains a subtle force that emanates towards one. That which is soul wants to reach out to humanity like an inspiring greeting from the world beyond. In earlier times, the soul element was brought into connection with the light and people knew that summer brings great warming forces of unfolding on the outside and that winter, with its soulful, finely attuned shimmer of light, ushers in inspiring beings from the realm of the dead into this world. The following pictures show how this reflection of light behind the mountains presents a subtle, sometimes picturesque atmosphere, containing soul.

In the next part of the yearly outlook, the geopolitical situation will be considered and the part after next, some of the significant people who have died and their sphere of influence on the earth will be shown.