Originally posted in German on 27th December 2024
The medical system
The medical system in Italy will face a very difficult future. In Germany, it may survive a little longer in terms of care. There could also be advantages connected with this, if people have to mutually help each other, as is already the case in America, and start to search for greater self-responsibility in health matters.
Many doctors will change their profession because they can no longer bear the burden of mechanised therapy and this is a factor that will continue to weaken the overall health situation. However, small individual medical practices can even lead to a renewed stand in medicine, as they still hold a therapeutic ideal or slowly lead it into an imaginable development. Courage is therefore important for doctors to become independent. This can be seen as a vague and yet germinal perspective for development. The question of whether medicine will become a purely mechanised plan or whether the relationship with the patient will become more central again will be up for discussion, but illness will generate an incredible momentum, so that care will take up most of the space. The growth of illness will unfortunately continue to increase. It is looming menacingly before us all.
The studies connected with medical matters here at the Sun Oasis in Italy, continually give rise to very beautiful healing streams, which people in external professions were able to receive. An infinite number of people talk about healing and it is not necessarily within the scope of this yearly outlook, to evaluate these different healing methods according to their content, truth and possibilities. The meditation, study and yoga activities that I have developed here as well as the many conversations, were able to set free new life forces not only amongst the individual participants, they even radiated out into the periphery. Sometimes the opposite picture can be seen because people do not hold to the rules and the content of the training and with this an immediate break in the healing streams is noticeable. The aim of continuing to set free this healing stream remains unchanged. However, the year 2025 will be accompanied by many disruptive influences. People who have been previously healed, but are not able to cope with their material circumstances and relationships will react to my criticism with extreme aggression and therefore forget the healing and display a terrible scene of contradiction. However, a healing stream will continue to emanate from the work to no small degree.
What effect does the esoteric scene have on health?
Mediums will place a very great burden on health in the form of medial messages. More and more mediums awaken when the basis for a strengthening of the self is lacking. Due to the pressures of the times, which are accompanied by many emotional longings, an infinite number of people take refuge in groups and try to understand themselves in new cultural movements. They are seekers, a circumstance, that occurs directly and naturally in response to the times. How does, however, the capacity of individual people and their maturity develop into a solid individuality?
For example, the observation of the way people meditate today and how they want to calm their mind and even to totally extinguish it, can only be brought together with a healthy aim for meditation in a very limited way and by no means in a lasting and effective way. In its first stages meditation can harmonise the habitual restless thinking somewhat more. However, the sense of thought and the ability to concentrate in a concrete, tangible sense must be developed very solidly so that any previous feelings can leave their illusions and the consciousness can reach maturity. In many mediation circles and yoga schools, however, people believe that if you can only eliminate thinking to some extent, an immediate unity and bliss will be achieved. What illusions do so many people created for themselves today, who do not attune their feeling organism with clear, reality-based thoughts, but try and flee into their own, previously existing inner perceptions? As a result, their feelings must increasingly become unordered and it becomes more difficult for them to relate to reality on this path. The perception of reality, the activity of building metal pictures in the thinking and the mature feelings developed from this would be the aim of a good meditation training. Fleeing into quickly calming and personal inner worlds weakens people’s ability to differentiate and their sense of reality. On this basis, anxiety and mental illness may not increase immediately, but in relatively swift episodes.
The destructive forces of psychopathic characters
A significant health burden arises from asocial and psychopathic structures. Very many hard-working groups include in their midst that extraordinary phenomenon that is so difficult to resolve, of people who represent borderline or antisocial personalities.1)Today the term psychopathy is used to describe a severe personality disorder that is associated with a widespread lack of social responsibility and empathy in those affected. Psychopaths appear to have no conscience and are characterised by particularly antisocial behaviour, even if they appear outwardly charming and are able to establish superficial relationships. There are very many well-motivated groups that fail precisely because they succumb to the cunning or emotions of people who take pleasure in destroying others. Usually, the psychopathic structure is medically explained by a trauma-relationship that individuals have experienced. Psychopaths were abused and mistreated in childhood and were unable to cope well with their problems. However, a somewhat more exact and spiritual look at the circumstances does not necessarily show the traumatising conditions at the beginning of the illness, but the refined learning steps that lead the individuals from victim status to perpetrator status. The year 2024 was described by me as a year in which the victim status is directly reversed, those who are really are victims are led into an inferior role and all those who stylise themselves as victims are elevated to the wrong level of recognition. These reversals of the victim experience are evident both in political and human interaction.
There are two people who are already making a name for themselves in the world scene in German-speaking countries and will continue to do so. They are a man and a woman, who claim to be spiritual on the one hand and very businesslike on the other and often use anthroposophical phrases for their arguments. However, wherever they offer their seminars and advice, they will leave behind them a high burden on health. The projects fail and even have to fail because both the man and the woman harbour the desire to fail in the depths of their souls. They know that they have nothing to offer and have already failed. Nevertheless, they act as seminar leaders and now lead everyone else to failure. If the forms that they leave behind are studied from a spiritual perspective, a large cycle of projection with a very anti-social character that is estranged to reality can soon be experienced. For example, a construction company is at its end, the company manager asked for esoteric advice from the couple, trusted what they say and within a short period of time plunged even deeper into disaster. After the company or project has gone under, the man and woman regularly project the fault onto the people left behind, who are in ruins and have become ill. The business concept they offer and the advice they give is largely based on false information and often even lies. They claim to have saved an infinite number of projects, but the truth is that they have caused an infinite number to fail.
An astonishing assertiveness is visible in both the man and the woman. They appear like rescuing angels, sometimes without being asked, and they have a great way of talking people over. What is worth mentioning in this context, however, is not only the external failure, but also the health burden, some of which results in very serious illnesses in people who have been under the influence of the advice from these two people.

⇑1 | Today the term psychopathy is used to describe a severe personality disorder that is associated with a widespread lack of social responsibility and empathy in those affected. Psychopaths appear to have no conscience and are characterised by particularly antisocial behaviour, even if they appear outwardly charming and are able to establish superficial relationships. |