Medicine and spirituality

Originally posted in German on 30th January 2025

For the future, specialist online meetings will be held to observe medical conditions with spiritual content.

Dr. Jens Edrich also offers specific courses in Baden-Württemberg, which are aimed in particular at anthroposophical research and development of science through spiritual insights.

Generally, medical observations and lessons on the correct application and evaluation of the exercises in various pathologies will be offered in the future at the Sun Oasis on the specialised training courses for yoga teachers and for the yoga teacher training courses.

Although yoga constitutes a path to the realisation of human creative potential, those teaching must acquire sufficient knowledge about the various conditions exhibited by the human psyche and body. Therapeutic professionals such as physiotherapists, natural health practitioners, or even doctors are very valuable for the training courses because a comprehensive synthesis of medicine, health and spirituality can be created.

On a metaphysical basis, the organs in the abdominal area not only have an effect on the digestion and the processing of various substances, they also radiate onto the nervous system and can have either a health promoting or pathological influence on it.
Drawing: Yva Ev

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