A very good example concerning the question of inner relationship, a question which exists for many people, is shown in the current events surrounding the indicted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Probably more than half the people familiar with this case know that with his arrest a very great injustice is most likely happening. The newspapers strangely report almost uniformly than this so-called whistleblower is guilty of a crime. The shaping of public opinion seems to be centralised, and prescribed by politicians. But those who direct their attention to Julian Assange, engage with his life, observe his opposition and his supporters, will probably be given the impression that someone innocent is facing judgement and perhaps even death. If they rest their gaze on this person, through repeated attentiveness and concentration, and listen within, a deep relationship develops. Outwardly this event slips past people like a rain cloud, inwardly however a last, silent raindrop sounds in their hearts. Anyone who has recognised Julian Assange takes in this small drop of a different reality.
Precisely through painful events in the world, inner relationships develop, or are prepared for the future. Readers can easily dismiss the painful event like a water stain on a suit. The inner drops, which nonetheless penetrate right into their hearts, can never be extinguished.
The soul of Julian Assange enters into a universal light precisely through the current, unjustified events. This light appears in hearts almost imperceptibly, barely accessible to the consciousness, like another, quietly rising dimension. A sun rises and begins to shine, as if above the painful existence. The soul of Julian Assange is in deeper reality like a sun. It has become a sun in him through the ordeal.1)This sun inspires artists, philosophers and all those who thirst for justice. A deep Christian mystery lives in this person, who already seems dead. His soul however has already ascended. It is warm and full of light. It makes no difference whether or not one believes in reincarnation. The soul of Julian Assange will come again one day and will inspire many people with wisdom of high calibre.
With these thoughts, the intention is not to say that an extradition and judgement are already sealed. The circumstances can change, especially also through the way people deal with his person and his actions in a spiritual way and come into relationship with him.
Strangely the Sueddeutsche Zeitung2)The Süddeutsche Zeitung is one of the largest daily newspapers in Germany. managed to portray the detained whistleblower with a halo (see the picture). The authors however probably did not mean it so seriously and designed a derisive image. People who have at one time been courageous are branded publicly as ridiculous. If we learn to understand Julian Assange from the soul, and think of and recognise the real manner of his person, we obtain the depth behind the appearance. In a somewhat more distant future the victim of ridicule will return as a great and wise person.
On an outer plane, many people are ostracised, treated unjustly, judged and vilified. On an inner plane, precisely these people come much more closely into a sphere of relationship through their rising power of spirit. “The good world” wants to protect humanity from the evil bad-guys, and ostracises those they find uncomfortable. It is a deep-rooted mystery. When people want to destroy, ostracise or harm a person for that reason, they adopt them as a figure of authority for the future.
⇑1 | This sun inspires artists, philosophers and all those who thirst for justice. A deep Christian mystery lives in this person, who already seems dead. His soul however has already ascended. It is warm and full of light. It makes no difference whether or not one believes in reincarnation. The soul of Julian Assange will come again one day and will inspire many people with wisdom of high calibre. With these thoughts, the intention is not to say that an extradition and judgement are already sealed. The circumstances can change, especially also through the way people deal with his person and his actions in a spiritual way and come into relationship with him. |
⇑2 | The Süddeutsche Zeitung is one of the largest daily newspapers in Germany. |
This is a very interesting idea that ‘It has become a sun in him through the ordeal’
The results of my personal research into the life and work of J Assange show he ‘publishes’ documents and informations of whistleblowers in an ‘unveiling’ and courageous pursuit of truth.
His published materials and work that ‘leak’ information usually unobtainable to the public have never coerced me into a ‘belief system’ and this is interesting because the authorities he sources and leaks from are quite the opposite. The liberating effect of being offered information is in my hand and this is like an offering to take a fresh look towards political, royal and religious, systems that I had previously left unquestioned and expected to believe.
The manipulations and accusations surrounding J Assange shroud his personality in such a denigrating way that even friends that I discuss this with immediately claim he is a rapist. It is only then when I ask is this really true? Where did you hear this? What facts do you really have in your hand? that a conversation can unfold. The extent of the manipulations and apparent ‘sovereign’ decisions are extraordinary.
In observing J Assange, he interviews others in his journalistic work in a well-researched way without pre-judgement, open about his goals for the conversation. He remains very calm, and the thoughts are well formed and clear. I was astonished at first to watch the interviews because I approached the airing expecting him to be this great, journalistic, bravado figure with a group of armies and weapons behind him ready to spit at the enemies of the state. However there sat a man, in a normal room with a couple of technicians, looking quite excited yet nervous, holding some handwritten notes about to speak to an International politician, known to be a terrible evil person to the British. There were no British Bobbies, CCTV or Fear about the conversation. His voice was quiet, but clear, in thought. It was a poignant moment, a wish to know the truth and not only for him however to be Publicly available. The situation carried a tension. It had to remain precise. It redefined the limits and risk of journalistic enquiry. I also felt that the view of the situation he was investigating was clearer to see all the parts. Not just one side.
I am deeply saddened by the acts against his person – specifically this last year. The journalistic efforts to degrade and insult figures in a way that manipulates public opinion into a confused and biased isolation of non-fact is perhaps popular, mainstream and sells fast turnaround stories but in my experiences also contributes to anxieties, fears and loss of self. Figures like J Assange and Heinz Grill contribute more for me, to the ‘sense of self’ and perhaps this is also like to the idea of ‘becoming a sun’.
What must the pain be like for these brave people like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Heinz Grill, who are ostracised and portrayed in a false light? The pain they suffer is also our pain and the justice and freedom they fight for is our justice and freedom. For most of us this is too painful to recognise, but until we do I don’t think we can ever be fully ourselves.