Originally posted in German on 25th December 2024
by Heinz Grill
Last year I predicted that cancer cases in particular would rise and that very many people, both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, would be affected by this insidious disease. At the same time, I pointed out that premature dementia and the number of mental illnesses, such as depression, are increasing. Exhaustion was particularly emphasised.1)See the article https “Ramifications of the Corona Policy and the Consequences for Health” from 07.05.2024
The coming year shows a very peculiar condition, with not only an existing severe immune deficiency that will result in leading to cell degeneration, but there are signs of diseases that are indirectly related to the kidneys. Many schizoid and schizophrenic processes are to be expected in exceptionally high numbers. Delusional ideas and completely incomprehensible behaviours also occur in this mentally unstable condition.
In general, it is a year that will give rise to a particularly high degree of anxiety. It could even be said that fear characterises this upcoming period. Or, when it is expressed in another way, it could be said, a year of inconsistency, particularly incongruity of the feelings and their lack of harmonious connection with the whole.
How do schizoid and even psychotic processes develop? They are usually preceded by a kind of escape from reality and people no longer dare to sufficiently address the conditions of their relationships. However, if they are properly developed, feelings grant people an inner stability and enable them to naturally relax in their relationships. The more these appear to be overshadowed or dried up, the more individuals lose their natural trust and can no longer sufficiently assess reality.
If someone researches feelings, they are usually characterised more by emotions from the mind and the physical body and less by properly developed feelings, that require previous learning steps. A table tennis player, who wants to deliver technically skilful strokes, must develop a feeling for the arm and hand movement through an aimed training and intuitively assess a feeling for the ball in the right moment. In principle, when a feeling is developed, whether it is in sport, at work, in educational interactions, in medical diagnosis or for qualities in human interactions, it provides a relaxed basis for life and what could be described as a well-ordered connection. Anyone who has gained a basic knowledge in mathematics knows that 23 + 23 is 46. Intuitively, this knowledge of mathematics becomes a still instinctive subtle-feeling and a disharmony would immediately be noticed, if someone said that the addition 23 + 23 would be about 47 or maybe only 42. The incongruent relationship is expressed directly in the subtle-feeling. The life of human feelings wants a harmonious, ordered relationship. However, if people take a lie to be a truth and suddenly confuse the expression of a truth with presumption and a lie, they create a disorder in the feelings within themselves that should not be underestimated.
In the many types of naturopathy, the kidneys are very strongly associated with relationships and with human feelings in general. As soon as the kidneys have to continually endure disharmonious feelings and can no longer properly ward off a kind of tension or stress in the bloodstream with the fine filtering work of the glomeruli, the renal corpuscles, they withdraw, more metaphysically speaking of course, or one could say they lose over time the joy of participating in life. However, as a result of the fact that the organism always forms a whole and the kidneys, that are strongly perfused with blood, have an effect on the consciousness, individuals adopt a kind of tendency to withdraw as a protective reaction. However, this no longer produces a physiological balance, but increasingly acquires a tension that expresses itself in schizoid fears and even, over time, in all manner of delusions.
This coming year, alongside the previously mentioned illnesses and the already widespread psychological depression, will bring forth these strong schizoid and even schizophrenic processes. Delusional ideas will occur more frequently and one in three people will be seized by some delusional attacks.
It is a year of inconsistency in which individuals, if they only trust their feelings, no longer really know whether their perceptions are right or wrong. People will say, the perceptions are true because they are feelings, but they must realise for the sake of bitter reality, that they are however deceptive and false. If they, metaphorically speaking, multiply 8 by 8, they must immediately reconsider whether they have made an intuitive error in their calculations and suddenly, driven by their feelings, reckon that 72 is the result.

Picture: Anne-Michèle Hambye

⇑1 | See the article https “Ramifications of the Corona Policy and the Consequences for Health” from 07.05.2024 |