By Heinz Grill
What causes an infectious disease?

An illness, especially an infectious inflammation, always begins – to introduce an esoteric term – with a disorder of the so-called astral body. In other words, this statement can also be expressed by saying that the naturally functioning balance between consciousness and body becomes disordered. The consciousness of the human being, which is made up of the unconscious parts with the many feelings, impulses, passions, hidden motives, intuitive intentions of the will and furthermore reveals itself through conscious mental pictures, conceived life-goals and perceptible relationships, all together form the so-called astral body. This astral body is interpreted according to its origin, the stars, because all the forces that consciously and unconsciously undulate up and down in humans, are not primarily from the body, but are those forces that awaken from a larger, comprehensive, that is from a cosmic, and finally to take it further, from a human collective sphere. The individual who experiences a feeling of joy over a natural phenomenon could not produce this out of his own body if there were no cosmos, with its interplay of forces of joy and sorrow, sympathy and antipathy, moving contact and resting death.
The occurrence of an inflammatory process indicates, in a very natural way, a reaction of the immune system, which indicates basically the way in which the organism defends itself against an intolerable substance or against an unacceptable psychological influence. The natural harmonious balance between people and their environment, and even between the individual existence of the body and the cosmos, is interrupted by the foreign influences. With the onset of violent pharyngitis, the external contact is felt1)Translator’s note: the German word used here is “empfindet” which can also be understood as “experienced”. painfully and severely. It is like a blockade that shows itself through the illness.
What about the origin of disease? If, for example, in a professional team that work well with each other, one of the employees suddenly lies and wrangles personal advantages at the expense of the entire goal of the team, he disturbs the natural balance of all those involved. Uncomfortable tensions arise and the team either becomes restless or weak. Tensions indicate initial constrictions that spread from the nervous system to the muscles and the body. It can be said: the astral body or the circumstances of the consciousness are disturbed. As a consequence congestion and inflammatory processes can then arise. The unconsciously affected employees display a defence reaction to the psychological2)Translator’s note: The German word used here is “psychischen” although the translation of the word is “psychological”, it is in its meaning still more connected in meaning with the English word “psyche” which according to the Oxford English Dictionary means the human soul, mind, or spirit. influence of the lie, when they have no conscious knowledge of it. The tensions with subsequent inflammatory processes are to be understood as natural first immune responses.
How does the immune system work?
The immune system works according to non-specific defence processes, which usually occur on the periphery or on the mucous membranes with swelling, redness, irritation and possible increases in temperature and ultimately as a result with a specific defence reaction, with T and B lymphocytes, which after some time form of antibodies. What is interesting about this observation of the immune reactions is that they usually calm down very quickly if the affected patient succeeds in discovering and clarifying the situation of foreign infiltration with lies or other false, intolerable influences. There have been cases where someone has been in bed for three weeks with a fever and severe inflammation and after the significant lies, frauds or subconsciously accepted insults that have brought the disorder with illness, are resolved, they get well immediately. The fever drops and the inflammatory reactions calm down, because through the realisation the foreign influence infiltrating the psyche is no longer effective. The consciousness regains command over the unconsciously reacting body.
Viruses and bacteria are the carrier germs, which are then taken up or come into their recurring, influential pathology when these disorders of the astral body occur. Today, however, the germ or the virus is given too much entitlement and it is forgotten that these are only tiny carrier germs that transport an intolerable external influence. From a spiritual point of view, it is not the viruses and bacteria that are the real enemies, but the immoral acts that understandably trouble people.
Why are there epidemics?
Someone could certainly ask why there have been whole epidemics caused by harmful bacteria throughout history and there will, in phases, continue to be. Surely it is the pathological germ that is the initiator like the start of a chain and it is difficult to imagine that due to immoral behaviour people actually seek a kind of epidemic. The contagion of the major diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever and the plague can certainly not be overlooked, and yet it does not form the core element of the real disease. If you spiritually observe a past epidemic, you would notice that people at that time usually needed a certain ability to raise themselves up, in order to become capable of a greater truth and development and could not achieve this and therefore succumbed to an epidemic.
The role of the consciousness for strengthening immunity.
To understand the immune system and its sovereign effectiveness that lies over and beyond non-specific and specific defence, imagine that people by nature remain in a flow of development. Someone encounters, for example, a highly infectious person. Hygiene regulations dictate that they should stringently protect themselves and should not come into contact with this person in an unsound manor. The consciousness, however, can directly set free that force that creates touch with untouchability and distance with immediate proximity. Connection and completely individual freedom are possible through the consciousness. Viruses and bacteria in the moisture of the breath may almost splutter like a fine autumn rain and touch the other person with all sorts of droplets. The upright consciousness that perceives the other, experiences itself in the action and allows a topic to be communicated without fear, gives the mucous membranes a most astonishing vitality, so that the foreign influences find no breeding ground at all. There may be some small non-specific immune reactions, but without a pronounced fever and antibodies could subsequently be formed, but they do not have to be formed. In any case, the integrity of the body remains completely undamaged and it does not have to go through severe infectious reactions. The most sovereign immune response therefore does not necessarily arise with a highly negative impact on the body, but even with an uplifting, well-guided and clear mental and physical activity. However, humility is always a basic requirement for this sovereign immune response.3) Prof. Streeck found 15 people in Heinsberg who had already formed antibodies against corona without being able to report an infection. The study and bold work by Prof. Streeck shows how differently antibodies are developed. Some people have to go through a serious infection, while others do not notice it at all and still gain sufficient immunity.
The role of awareness in immunity.
This ability of uprightness of the consciousness requires healthy processes of perception towards others and, furthermore, the person who practises it has to be solidly founded in the reality of recognising what is self and what is foreign. A child could not yet form this recognition because they don’t yet have sufficient thought building processes, mature perceptions and the ability to steer the content of the consciousness. For adults, however, this dimension of solid encounter with alertness, attentiveness, content-related discussion, preservation of the individual integrity of the other and preservation of their own ethical centre seems like an urgent requirement.
How do the corona measures affect health?
Today, with the issue of the corona virus, the urgent question is whether the population can be expected to process the virus and develop sufficient immunity from their specific and non-specific defence processes or whether it is necessary to protect people from any infection. In the case of serious diseases, such as the viral infection of poliomyelitis, one would be inclined to take adequate protective measures, because the disease can result in serious harm. But what about corona infection, which usually only renders a comparable, lethal effect with people who are already ill and older people?
The quarantine measures stifle the consciousness and, as some mountaineers in Italy report, lead to significant physical weakening. Children are placed in front of the television and are no longer allowed outside. They can no longer run around in the grass and no longer climb trees. The spectre of the virus with its threatening contagion creates precisely those fears that move people to all kinds of objectionable actions. Anyone who goes outside has to fear being informed on by their neighbours, and this even out of misguided fear, because how, when walking alone, can you spread a virus? It is not cohesion, reciprocity, conscious perception, and discussions to clarify and build up humane conditions, but discord and growing resentment that rise among the people.
The first indications of the consequences of these measures can already be perceived. This is dementia, which is expressed in the fact that the physical body becomes weaker, the general conditions of digestion, breathing and excretion start to degenerate and finally the mental stamina in concentration and holding attention can no longer be adequately maintained.4) Through the drastic limitation of movement during quarantine relatively extensive atrophic processes in the limbs and muscles have arisen. Some people only go back and forth a few 100 meters in the house instead of taking a proper walk. Atrophy puts a burden on the excretion processes via the liver. Depression that develops also burdens the liver. Due to the lack of exercise, the entire metabolism is also disturbed, blood lipid levels and blood sugar levels increase. In the sum of the situation, light to medium intoxications arise, as the liver is overloaded and ultimately the lungs and the heart are predestined to further diseases. People need colour, movement, air to breathe, they need sensory impressions that go beyond their four walls and they urgently need to meet a variety of other people. In Italy couples have been sitting in their apartments for weeks, and it is not unusual for single people to express that they only want to die because they experience the isolation as undignified and that it no longer makes life worth living.
How is it that it is so easy for viruses and all sorts of other germs to attack these people who are weakened through isolation? The weakened milieu of the mucous membranes and the condition of the organs generally, must inevitably generate the downward decline to pneumonia out of a common place infection. When fear-driven people say that the next phase of the corona epidemic will be even more severe than the first, they may be expressing some sort of truth. However, they overlook the unavoidable knock-on effect that people, through the unnatural conditions which they have survived for months, or to which they consent, provide precisely the conditions for further infections with a more serious course. Therefore, the raising5)Translator’s note: The German word used here is “Aufrichten” which also means to “straighten up”. of the consciousness and a greater reciprocal responsibility in being together is needed. Isolation with compulsive withdrawal can never give a solid future orientation.
For the continued occurrence of dementia the best preconditions are precisely the trauma that results from these measures and the degradation, depression and despair that inevitably envelop people in isolation.6) Due to the quarantine, many children and adults are forced to sit more in front of the television and computer. A lot of time in front of a screen is known to promote dementia. At the same time, the many fears triggered by the corona crisis are predestining for states of exhaustion. A weakening of the nervous system is caused by being thrown back on digital systems. The individual must grapple very thoroughly with the various phenomena of the coronavirus spectre and summon up the courage to face the possible danger of infection with a solid awareness.7)The conscious confrontation of a matter protects against the great danger. The experiment by Pettenkofer can be noted here. To anyone with medical knowledge the measures of total isolation without going out into the fresh air, without sport and natural encounters with others must appear totally counterproductive. How can it happen that these medical voices are subject today to the spectre of a threatening virus and almost forget the consequential damage that threatens to a much worse degree? In addition to dementia and new infectious diseases, the threat of mental illnesses is particularly high and eventually there will be extremely high incidences of people developing cancer.
Responsibility for dealing with infectious diseases should not only be taken on by an authority and state law, it ought to be developed today individually by every single adult themselves. What if every single citizen could demonstrate real responsibility and trust in the power of their consciousness not to become infected? In any case, the consciousness in its developed form has the best and most sovereign power of immune defence, which, in addition to the specific and non-specific defence mechanisms, represents a type of third and silent overarching dimension.
⇑1 | Translator’s note: the German word used here is “empfindet” which can also be understood as “experienced”. |
⇑2 | Translator’s note: The German word used here is “psychischen” although the translation of the word is “psychological”, it is in its meaning still more connected in meaning with the English word “psyche” which according to the Oxford English Dictionary means the human soul, mind, or spirit. |
⇑3 | Prof. Streeck found 15 people in Heinsberg who had already formed antibodies against corona without being able to report an infection. The study and bold work by Prof. Streeck shows how differently antibodies are developed. Some people have to go through a serious infection, while others do not notice it at all and still gain sufficient immunity. |
⇑4 | Through the drastic limitation of movement during quarantine relatively extensive atrophic processes in the limbs and muscles have arisen. Some people only go back and forth a few 100 meters in the house instead of taking a proper walk. Atrophy puts a burden on the excretion processes via the liver. Depression that develops also burdens the liver. Due to the lack of exercise, the entire metabolism is also disturbed, blood lipid levels and blood sugar levels increase. In the sum of the situation, light to medium intoxications arise, as the liver is overloaded and ultimately the lungs and the heart are predestined to further diseases. |
⇑5 | Translator’s note: The German word used here is “Aufrichten” which also means to “straighten up”. |
⇑6 | Due to the quarantine, many children and adults are forced to sit more in front of the television and computer. A lot of time in front of a screen is known to promote dementia. At the same time, the many fears triggered by the corona crisis are predestining for states of exhaustion. A weakening of the nervous system is caused by being thrown back on digital systems. |
⇑7 | The conscious confrontation of a matter protects against the great danger. The experiment by Pettenkofer can be noted here. |