Originally posted in German on 8th January 2024
by Heinz Grill
The cosmos battles between the beauty of the soul light effects and the ugly shadows of attachment. One generates inspiration, the other depression. The cosmic picture can be seen spiritually, it lives subtly in the astral reality and gives birth to a battle between light and shadow, and this expresses itself as far as the earthly sphere with materially visible phenomena.
2025 is a year of extremely strong polarisation in society between the so-called good and bad, the seemingly spiritual and the materialistically thinking human, the awakened and those with a cloudy consciousness. However, this distinction actually makes no sense and has no spiritual value. Polarities are generally supported by political intentions precisely because they have no value, and the aim is to repeatedly publicise provocations that drive humanity to outrage. Afterwards people who rebel against these outward forms are declared to be conspiracy theorists. Like a sport, this tendency towards polarisation is driven forward for power and to harm humanity.
In terms of the weather, it can therefore be expected that there will be extremely large differences in the countries of the world. Light in general is suffering because it no longer produces its natural radiance due to all the geoengineering. However, there is another side that is important for the meteorological situation in the world and planet earth.
It may sound crazy, when I now suggest the following connection. Artificial intelligence, which on many levels is replacing human thinking and its assiduous engagement with the circumstances, is causing a kind of abandonment of planet earth. How long does it take for people, who want to bring a conscious logic into a written work, to do this through their own thinking, making comparisons and repeated searches for suitable words? They sweat, so to speak, until they figure out logical connections and bring them into a suitable form of language. Artificial intelligence saves them this effort and all the associated mental furrows.
However, due to the lack of human sacrifice, the earth feels increasingly deserted, like a desert, because it lacks both the physical as well as the spiritual drops of sweat that must trickle onto it every day from human endeavour. The air no longer takes up the subtle forces of human sensitive perception in the striving for logical thoughts and truth and therefore it begins to live a kind of random self-generated emotionality. Artificial intelligence is interposing itself like an obstacle between human beings and the sphere of the earth and extremely unsettled conditions are therefore to be expected.
These extreme forms must be reflected both in the movement of the air and in the conditions of the water. The water takes on a life of its own and in contrast, dryness dominates in the air.
However, the harm in this whole relationship, which is being caused today by artificial intelligence and all the geoengineering, is particularly bad. Countries will repeatedly end up in a meteorological imbalance that they themselves have not produced, as this imbalance is absorbed by the less mechanised cultures. It is to be expected that in the area around Pakistan it will be increasingly unsettled.
The earth will not be able to find any real calm and there are likely to be a lot of earthquakes. In particular, the coming time will see an increase in temperatures and a great deal of turbulence with unnatural temperature fluctuations. It will be too hot and too cold in various places.
The fact that the work in the Sun Oasis during the Artists’ Days took place in the most beautiful, even ideal winter weather could give us hope that the weather forecast should now also be favourable, at least in Italy.
It is said that those aims that are conceived and shaped during the 12 holy nights, the raw nights, are carried over into the coming period. In terms of the weather, however, it cannot be assumed that this nice, calm winter time with coolness and dryness will carry on in the same way. There will probably be many wet and then dry phases due to the given human situation.
However, I am currently unable to make an exact forecast of the weather situation in Germany, Austria and Italy. Frequently the weather is co-determined by the possibilities that people bring to realisation, which means that the weather forecast in particular is very unreliable. It is hugely influenced not only by nature and its peculiarities, but also by human behaviour and processes of development.