Originally posted in German on 28th December 2024
by Heinz Grill
A search across the internet reveals an extraordinary number of endeavours to find spiritual healings, alternative ways of healing and all kinds of information about distance healing through medians. The longing for health and, above all, a meaningful and happy life is evidently extraordinarily strong. Many of the offerings include the buzzword high-frequency vibrations, which have already been propagated for years by the various authors and seem to be prospering at the present time.
Astrological accounts of Pluto, say that in its path it will finally break up long out-dated structures and bring about a transformation. Longings, wishful ideals and emotional attempts for liberation with an almost infectious character may take hold of the listener and it appears as if all one must do is actually connect with the high frequency vibrations in order to reach a more beautiful, more wholesome and happier life situation.
The illusion, however, is unfortunately a big one and causes health burdens.
The observation of a medium
During the first few days of the study time before Christmas a group of about 30 people watched a video made by a relatively well-known medium and tried to reconstruct the information depicted in the video, that was mostly very brief and very often repeated, to bring it into a precise light of concentration and to examine it to see how far it could correspond to a real forecast for the coming year. The medium spoke of many thousands of people she has trained and presented a very eventful life story; she spoke about healings that she carries out as a matter of course. It is said to be important, and this is a very typical statement that can be commonly found with others, that people should listen to their feelings and that feelings are the key guide to the future.
By analysing the words and meditating on the question of what feelings the medium was speaking about, it was possible to identify them very clearly. In the recurring words and the call for a life more based in emotions, everyone observing the video discovered a kind of polarisation. On the one side there are the lower frequency people and on the other side the higher frequency people. Those with a high frequency are said to be saved, the lucky ones, they are the bringers of the new future. A great freedom lives in the totally high frequency people who have awakened due to their feelings and live life for the future in the sense of a new plan. Extraterrestrial star people, with whom the medium communicates, enter into positive contact and through building up new structures full of love, are also carrying out work that is not inconsiderable.
Where do the feelings come from that appear to be taken up by the medium and also by followers who orientate themselves around the words and likewise create similar sentiments? The answer is unfortunately not a very nice one. The receiving voice experienced by the medium comes from a psychic perception that is actually split off, to be precise the kidneys are weakened. When looking at the situation from a spiritual perspective, it is a case of extremely weak kidneys. The vegetative system is very permeable and can no longer differentiate between the unconscious and what is consciously perceived and actually experienced by the nervous system. The unconscious and the conscious merge, just as in the kidneys the incoming feelings can no longer be properly processed.
It is therefore not the voice of an angel, to put it simply, or a message that comes from heaven, but rather a particularly sensitive readiness to receive, that the organs pick up without any clear activity of the conscious and it is therefore interpreted as medial, or put it another way, channelled, experienced as if in a kind of permeability. However, where do all these thoughts and feelings come from? They are the feelings of longing from humanity that affect the unconscious of the medium, it takes these up and reproduces them in words in a somewhat more individualised form. The medium is like a kind of large microphone of a great human-community, that picks up all the wishes, patterns of desire, all manner of moods and fairytale-like longings of others and finally reproduces them with her own loudspeaker. However, this has nothing to do with any spiritual realisation and spiritual work.
It was directly after the corona period that a weakness of the immune system entered, which has made people more susceptible to cancer and disposed to new infections, so that as a result of this, if it is put this way, a weakness of incarnation, or otherwise described, weakness in encountering reality and to hold it across from oneself, creating all manner of needy feelings and people believe that with these feelings they can master life better. However, a closer listen to these media messages shows that many of the damages caused by the manipulations and vaccinations are now being compensated for with a kind of wave-like movement of great, longing feelings. A real rising up to the next steps of consciousness and a culture-sustaining impulse cannot be expected from these modern endeavours.
Unfortunately, the medium reflects the compensatory feelings caused by vaccine damage. The opposite will therefore be fulfilled. No extraterrestrials will come to help and the illnesses, although many people speak of healings, take the path to illusion and can never achieve a real strengthening of the human psyche and body.
Nevertheless, a healing current from good work initiatives, projects and human cooperatives would be very meaningful for the coming times. It must however happen in a different way.
What could the necessary healing stream look like?
When Bruno Gröning, the great Bavarian healer, stretched out his arm and was able, through this gesture, to lift various people to health, even out of severe illness, one inevitably had to think of a healing stream that emanated from an individual. Bruno Gröning was a man who possessed healing abilities to an extraordinarily high degree, although he himself did not know, from a purely philosophical perspective, how these functioned.
To predict the future, the form of healing must be looked at more closely. Research and efforts in this regard have been going on for years. Healing streams emanate from the Sun Oasis on a daily basis. However, the way to mentally picture what a healing stream looks like is not yet known. Rather, there are numerous false mental pictures. For example, in a much too simplistic way people picture a group spreading blessings to the world through its meditations or rhetorical activities, and through this, sending out waves of health. This picture, however, is actually much too allegorical, over-simplified and therefore obscures the true reality.
These reflections lack the word sacrifice, which nowadays seems so inappropriate and is no longer wanted. People cannot simply heal, even if they have a good will, and neither is it possible to quickly send someone else good thoughts and for this person to then become well. These efforts might not be entirely wrong and they sometimes open up small possibilities of building up health. But how does healing happen, and what sacrifice do people really bring about? This is the decisive question.
How does it happen here, at the school of the spirit? Beginners study on a simpler level, intermediate students in a way that is already more profound, and a number of more experienced training-participants attempt insightful research into interconnections and spiritual vision. A few then go even further and achieve a degree of clairvoyance which penetrates directly into the deep secrets of the mystery-wisdoms. For this my help is usually needed, but not always. Independent research is already happening, so that a step occurs that can be described as a higher, first consciousness, a first clairvoyant perception in the sense that yoga philosophy calls manas. The work does not only remain active in one’s own personal sphere, it begins to radiate out to the surroundings.
The external appearance of the effect is usually clearly visible. All study participants are better formed and healthier after one day. They experience the strengthening and they subtly-feel new regenerative possibilities not only for themselves but also suddenly for others. However, what sacrifice do these people bring, when they do not study for themselves but carry out profound, insightful, aesthetic, philosophical and artistic work? At first, they do not gain any inspiration for themselves. They prepare thoughts and content, work on passages from the Bhagavad Gita, do not just approach the texts from Rudolf Steiner or the Gospels in a superficial external way, they penetrate into the deeper contexts, they do not practice asana only for their well-being, but want to elevate the artistic content of the asana and make it available for the world.
It is therefore not a healing stream that emanates in this path of study, in the sense of a kind of beautiful force that is poured into the world, by spreading out one’s arms and saying, “May my light flow into the world”. Humility is necessary in this area. Although all people living in the region of Lundo experience strengthening forces, become healthier, encounter fewer deaths and have been able to experience a considerable increase in culture and although the climbing routes we have created in the Sarca Valley, now 120 of them, provide a lively joy for all nationalities, and act as a contribution to peace, an offer in which young and old, beginners and experts can meet peacefully, nevertheless the essential things is that participants do not missionise others, but prepare a kind of new, beautiful, contentful culture and do not see themselves as polar to the world, but in active relationship with it, regardless of whether people are rebels or conformists, be productive with the joy of building up ether or the strengthening of a real, possible, philosophical body of thought. They do not send anything out directly but they make a sacrifice and stabilise their individuality, they strengthen themselves in spiritual content and this now stands as an existence, as something that has been created, available in the stillness of the world.
When this kind of sphere of influence is observed, a deeper awareness with a relatively high degree of spiritual clairvoyance must be applied so that the meaning of this path of study and content of study can be seen. All efforts do not follow an isolated centre that stands alone but promotes whole world development but this happens as said not directly, in that they send out a kind of radiating energy, but they send a trickle of spiritual forces in a hidden way over to other nations and other people, sometimes even to countries that are far away.
As a rule, people speak of telepathy when a person in Canada suddenly receives thoughts that are thought by a friend living in Europe. The processes involved in telepathy are unknown and therefore this field remains very unexplored and mysterious. An esoteric approach is necessary to understand how people, who do not meet and maybe do not even know each other can establish a connection and still communicate in a silent way. The way is via an instance that people no longer like to name today because it has slipped into such a fairytale like fantasy. There is a so-called angel, who is usually referred to as a guardian angel. It is the Angelos. Today he can be believed in or not. However, it is not this that transmits those forces that can arise in a completely different country. For this great transmission, whereby, for example, a good activity of consciousness is carried over from Europe to Canada, a next higher dimension of angel is needed, and this is the Archangelos. Everything which individuals’ study and, in particular, lead to levels of insight with content, this great world-guiding angel takes into his body, moves his wings away fierily, and leads it over to particular people that stand at decisive points in their development. It inspires them and it may be that someone in another country is despondent and suddenly, after another person has carried out a good, insightful study, this achievement from one country reaches the despondent person, who suddenly feels hope again, straightens themselves up and learns to think a next vision.
The archangel is a wonderful and beautiful phenomenon because he gets nothing wrong, he is sovereign, intrepid, free from evil and he knows that his mission will succeed. There are no doubts, tremblings or imperfections in his subtle body. Rudolf Steiner describes him as a wonderful apparition, free from all earthy heaviness, uninterested in all vices and genetic dispositions. He moves unseen in spirit and even when people despair and yet still make sacrifices and efforts in this despair, he is already active and it may even be that before participants in a study group have achieved an insight the Archangel has already carried this over into a foreign land and inspired another person. This phenomenon is marvellously uplifting. For this reason, this healing stream is consciously cultivated here by the school in the Sun Oasis and regardless of the number of attacks that it will receive in 2025, the work will carry on. A seed for a new basis of medicine, which not only works in therapeutic practice but is also very strongly engaged with the question of development, can be strengthened in first ideas and even if it is not yet realised on a large scale a spark will nevertheless flourish. However, the manipulations will seem frustrating and people in whom a lot of faith has been placed will turn against spirituality this year and with arguments that seem more than absurd. Unfortunately, people’s feelings will gain more and more disharmony and will even be determined in an irrational and totalitarian way. For this reason, the work for all those who are spiritually oriented will become more difficult.

Drawing: Anne-Michéle Hambye

Drawing: Angelika Gigauri

Drawing: M.W.