The logic and principles of health IV –
Healing approaches with physical exercises

Originally posted in German on 23rd May 2024

by Heinz Grill

The activity, which takes place with the help of various physical exercises, leads to a better ability to perceive, after that to a specifically directed elasticity and strengthening tension and ultimately to a general unburdening with subsequent calmness and regeneration in the body.

Relaxation always pertains to the upper regions of the body and this should ideally be consciously brought in during the exercise.  The dynamic is released from the middle region of the body with many of the easier as well as the more demanding positions. The calm base lastly affects the whole body but mainly the lower regions, such as the pelvic area and abdomen.

A first simple exercise can be carried out in kneeling. Sit completely relaxed and upright on a mat or carpet and become conscious of the three regions, the lower back and pelvic area, the middle in the thoracic spine and the upper head, neck and shoulder regions. Paying attention to the articulation already leads to a relaxation of the periphery and a natural, gentle uprightness.

Now those practising can take their arms over their heads, while a flowing, upward lifting dynamic arises from the middle, that means, from the lower and middle thoracic spine. The sternum rises slightly. The arms increasingly glide upwards, without becoming tense and hampering the body in the movement. The relationship from the tension in the thoracic spine up to the shoulders and then to the arms flowing upwards, as if lifting and levitating, should be subtly felt for two minutes in a lively way. It is precisely by maintaining a distribution of tension for at least thirty seconds or even longer that the relationship between dynamic expansion and the relaxed regions of the body develops in a more specific way. The middle will become stronger through this. The body appears lighter and freer towards the top.

A simple variation can be developed in this kneeling position when one arm is brought down and, as a counteraction, the other arm develops a fine but free pulling force out of the middle upwards. In this position, the middle can be experienced very precisely, around the eighth, ninth and tenth thoracic vertebra.

The two forms of movement with the lifting of the ribcage appear different and perhaps somewhat more challenging when the legs glide out forwards. It is common for the sacrum to fall backwards, so this must be counteracted by lifting up and straightening in the right way. Also hold this position with relaxed skin, shoulders and neck for at least one minute. It is beneficial if the centring is oriented towards the middle of the spine.

If the lifting up is successful out of this dynamic from the middle, then the body can be led far forwards once again into a lengthening. The consciousness of being active is specifically maintained during the exercise, the skin should stay relaxed. When this variation of the exercise is practised with a real stretching out, the active forces in the middle increase and the lower back can become unburdened. It is the activity that provides a growing strength that heals.

A somewhat more challenging form, that must not necessarily be carried out to perfection, develops out of a position lying on the front. One arm is supported while the other arm glides upwards into the forward lift. The thoracic spine actively lifts the head, shoulders and upwardly directed arm. The forearm on the floor is only used to support the body for the purpose of balancing. The body should never be pushed up with the arm, as this would counteract the active dynamic in the middle.

The active effort that is carried out, ultimately has a regulating, harmonising effect and strengthens the life forces. Breathing flows in a natural, unhindered rhythm during the movements. By performing these simple exercises once a day, an awareness develops of the three sections in which the spine integrates itself in its physiological interplay. Attention can then naturally be paid to straightening up out of the middle during the day.

How these exercises promote a natural improvement in relationship and a deepening perception in life will be described in the next article. 

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