Originally posted in German on 30th December 2024
by Heinz Grill
America is the country in the greatest economic crisis, a crisis that has never been greater. The new president Donald Trump will have to do a lot to avoid a civil war. However, the new president has a really good capacity, and at the moment it is foreseeable that he will be better able to establish internal national order.
Italy is very poorly equipped to manage its economy. Even though it has not been officially acknowledged, it has turned into a socially deprived country. The number of those in poverty does not appear officially in figures, but it is very high.
Turkey has a largely degenerated economically and therefore will be prone to have warlike intentions. England’s economy is also in a deep slump, making the danger of unsound foreign policy all the greater.
Israel is a country that has come to an end and the warlike actions are therefore sinister.
Germany cannot find the right roots in its own economic system, although the German people’s ability to think and their scientific foundation could produce exemplary economic accomplishments. Through different countries, mainly through America and also England, Germany will be destabilised. There is a great fear that it could collaborate with Russia and this would be a fatal blow for other Western nations. However, as the economy in Germany is significantly sanctioned from outside and destabilisation attempts are taking place everywhere, the German spirit strangely enough is gaining a hidden, deeper friendship with Russia. While on the streets and in the media a smear campaign against Russia is taking place, inwards in the souls, a hidden affinity is growing, even in the instigators. As a result of this purely inner circumstance, Russia will one day lift Germany up, but not this coming year. The money that Germany is sending to the Ukraine is of a different character than that of England, France and America. Germany is not actually interested in the war, but the German people feel as if obliged and the giving of money is to be understood, when it is looked at somewhat figuratively and somewhat more profoundly, like an act of penance to a God of whom you do not know what he is called or what he wants.

Picture: Anne-Michèle Hambye
Until now the statements of Alfons Irlmaier, the Bavarian seer, have not been relevant. For the coming year, however, events are visible that show a comparable direction and a similarity to Irlmaier’s statements. Major attacks with a highly destructive character using biological or even nuclear weapons are to be expected.
In Germany, however, a seed of economic activity with ideal prerequisites wants to flourish, more than in other countries. This seed can be shaped with an idea into an ideal and can be explained as follows:
1. All business activities should lead to a personally improved quality of life.
2. All people who are connected with the business or the individual enterprise in question should also experience an enhanced and improved quality of life, both mentally as well as physically.
3.Businesses should neither have too much nor too little, but should offer what people need. People do not need millions and it is not necessary to produce harmful products. There should be a human and ecological balance that should arise through personal, economic ambition.
4. Relationships between people are more important than purchasing advantages. All dealings with money and goods should lead to a better relationship.
5. The feeling of value towards products and human achievements should grow. On this basis, a good human attitude and dignity can grow and cultural values develop.
6. The quality and practicality of the products should be further developed and people, who work on them, should become more psychologically stable. Work should become a joy and doing business should become a logical and shared activity.
Two further points from the spiritual dimension should be added to this concept:
7.The connection between people that arises through doing business should give joy to the deceased in the afterlife.
8. Other countries gain a balance through the economic ideal that people develop. A great radiance in the sense of a spiritual substance can arise.
This ideal, however, does not begin in the state system, but in the individual. The courage to decide to develop the economy in this way is necessary out of independent decisiveness and can spread out from exemplary individuals to other communities.
Economics is, according to these introduced reasons, not about giving and taking, but it forms a process in which an increased sphere of relationship, a greater value-culture and spiritual harmony develop. The right economic activity contains no loss, rather pure gains, both in the material as well as in the spiritual sense. Although money is spent and stays in a flow, it is not lost, but increases the various forms of quality of life and gives culture a new creativeness. This ideal is possible and must and will eventually unfold out of a spiritual concept.
When different people individually rise up to this ideal, they gain a very beautiful radiance, dignity and freedom in their approach to themselves and the various areas of work. There will no longer be the split between work and free time, but the question of development can provide a synthesis for different areas of life. In terms of health, an ideal picture of the economic activity sets free a pleasant breathing process. Greed, fixation on money, constant existential crises, that compromise the entire sphere of human relationships, causes many illnesses and, in particular, a strain on the lungs. Free breath and a healing influence on the lungs can arise though the ideal of economic activity.
In practical terms, money should not be spent senselessly, just because it is available, nor should people be tempted to give money if it is not appropriate. With every gift of money comes a responsibility, and those who do not horde their money, but sensibly keep it in circulation can open up a soulful sphere of relationship. Exploitation with a capitalist nature, one-sided attempts to enter into communistic communities and fleeing from the question of economic activity are unsuitable for this ideal. Economic activity requires a personal confrontation with oneself, with life, with others and with the various goods. This requires rationality, and emotionality must draw back.
Unfortunately, emotionality is the greatest enemy of business and the hardships, in which people stand, give rise to false decisions. There are plans afoot to completely paralyse the economy in order to then relaunch it with a new system orientation. However, this seems very strange and even more materialistic than ever before.