Originally posted in German on 2nd January 2024
by Heinz Grill
Palestine and Israel
Israel will considerably diminish itself directly through the very massive military measures on Palestine, the surrounding zones and, above all, without exact discernment, on the civilian population and it will give an example that will cause many people around the world to turn even more strongly against acts of war.

Image detail: Wikimedias Commons with added text
A forecast of what further violent actions are to be expected, requires a very deep ability to sense into the people who are living there. An Israeli’s way of thinking is probably very different from a Palestinian’s. In general, the people of Israel have a very diverse history and also occupied a central position in religion, as the transition from the old covenant of the Testament to the new covenant took place. Both the state of Israel and the position that the people occupy in relation to other countries, create tasks that are fraught with tension. For many years there have been unresolved claims on the land in this relatively small district to the east of the Mediterranean.
It is interesting to look at Europe and in particular the German speaking nations. If aggressive action, regardless of its nature and severity, has broken out between Palestine and Israel after a long period of apparent peace, this does not mean that these countries alone have the responsibility. In a particular way, it is even those nations that are not directly involved in the conflict that can achieve the best peace-work, as they can look at the tension more freely and matter-of-factly. The position of European is extremely important for the Middle East.

Picture: Wikimedia Commons
Germany and Austria do not have any border problems and must not fight each other over country specific topics. Nevertheless, after the corona period Germany is in a considerable decline and is losing its healthy position in the world as a whole. Although at a first glance the USA is certainly more overtly involved in the war in the Middle East, a deeper spiritual view reveals much more of the hidden reality. The more Germany forces its most valuable scientists and its free-thinking citizens to be sanctioned,1) How many doctors at the moment are being pursued by the courts or are even arrested, because in the corona period they would not orientate their work according to the political guidelines? and the more the German judiciary passes judgements that bear no relation whatsoever to a constitutional state, the more a healthy capacity to think, that is badly needed by the world, is destroyed. If the whole world organism is looked at metaphorically, Germany is like the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. If the hormones of the pituitary gland become insufficient, the entire balance of the body is disturbed and considerable deficiencies occur. Visible diseases then occur not in the pituitary gland but in other regions of the body. The disproportionate nature of the harsh and radical measures, that take place particularly in the German justice system, create a kind of destruction of the pituitary gland and therefore a deficiency arises in the world organism. This lacking results in major compensatory reactions and it sparks aggressive acts of war in related, neighbouring and even distant parts of the world.
This observation of the world as a whole and its balance is initially very foreign to the normal way of thinking and forms a pure hypothesis. However, if the souls of those who have already died in the war in Israel and Palestine are observed, those who lead a body-free existence because they are no longer under earthly conditions with a body, unfortunately it can be concluded that there is a great darkness, that surrounds the souls with a wall, as if they have no way out. Many people have already died as a result of aggressive actions, and most of them have in fact been ripped from life very suddenly, without any preparation. It is not a heroic death, no, it is by no means a glorious departure, but it is a passing over from the earth into the cosmos from an almost unsolvable conflict. This will, however, not be released in the afterlife, if time is allowed to pass. These souls feel as if abandoned by Europe, both the Palestinians as well as the Israelis. They need an uplifting, exemplary ideal, particularly from the German speaking people, in order to gain a perspective. There is an affinity between those who live in Germany and those who are in Israel and Palestine. However, in destroying its prospects Germany also destroys the emerging hopes in other countries. Every court ruling that is unjustly pronounced against a person, diminishes the dignity and the naturally rightful status of the person and even if the countries are in a completely different context, this robs the Middle East of any possibility that people there can meet each other more peacefully.
The tension and the one-sided conditions in which people have had to live for many years, continue to depict a sphere of suffering for both sides. Suicidal acts in particular, which came from the Palestinian side, do not lead to a bright existence in the afterlife, but even to an intensification of the feelings of being trapped. If Germany were to exhibit justice and clarity in its legal responsibility and if science, philosophy and culture were to be given a place of the most ideal dignity, and if people were to begin to love their citizens instead of lying to them, then souls who have an affinity would meet inwardly and this would open up a liberating vision in the Middle East.
The more people comprehend this connection in this subtle soul awareness and overcome their limits of egoism and the more they develop a dignified cultural task, the more they can contribute peace work for the crisis areas in Israel. In particular, passive faith in the church and in God should be overcome by active spiritual training and responsible forming of the consciousness.
This sphere of being trapped in an unfulfilled darkness, without the potential for action or reaction, is also reflected to an astonishing degree in Germany. Many people have died out of despondency and loneliness. In particular, this shielding darkness lives in those judges while they are still alive, even if very concealed and still compensated for through all manner of outer appearances, that do not allow justice to speak through them, but rather total partiality. People who indulge in the egoism of their own good, lose their dignity and their meaningful position in terms of a cosmic whole. The many entrapments caused by unsound politics and through scheming unfortunately motivate further new acts of violence and plans for destruction. Those countries that already have a high potential for tension, unleash these forces through war. Real peace in the Middle East will therefore not materialise very quickly; instead, it must be expected that incessant acts of violence will continue.
The turn of the year from 2023 to 2024 is very significant for the conflict situation in the Middle East. The more people do not just hope for peace, but also form thoughts seriously and very consciously, about how they can shape a valuable future and transcend their lower emotions, the more they achieve the dignity of freedom from party politics and polarity in Germany, for example – qualities that would be particularly characteristic of Germany’s scientific and philosophical spirit – the more they radiate a sense of balance into the world and can break open some of the trappedness in the darkness.
The Ukraine

Picture taken from Wikimedias Commons with added text
The acts of war in Ukraine have a completely different root from those in Israel. It is less the positions that have been thrown into question, but rather economic interests that are of the greatest importance. The acts of violence are driven by completely hidden forces of hatred, emanating from souls who have been unable to find success as a result of their evil natural-gas and oil deals. Only business interests and no lasting values accompany these people. They actually wanted to become powerfully rich like oil sheiks and some even gave religious reasons for their business overzealousness. But it was actions by Russia that disturbed this hubristic business. Austria is also not entirely uninvolved. These really were million-dollar deals that took place a good twenty years ago. The history of Ukraine naturally goes farther back and it is obvious that this land is of great economic interest to America. It is therefore difficult for Ukraine to find a sufficient, solid position with independence and a growing edification of its culture. Unfortunately, it is precisely because of these economic interests that the use of biological weapons is to be feared.
The positions of the nations and their originality

Picture from Wikimedias Commons with added text
Every country today is quietly seeking its independent position within a world whole. Just as every individual today seeks an order for themselves and a collaborative connection to others, nations also do not really want to cultivate power against each other, but rather rediscover themselves and offer their originality as a spiritual treasure. However, the path will involve many encroachments and much discord.
Italy does not have a good prognosis because it lacks organisational strength. Many small groups and initiatives are forming in this country and can offer a relatively natural sphere of relationship. However, Italy will still have many people who are experiencing loneliness. Italy will not have a great impact on the world nor become a role model. The planet that is most at home in Italy is Venus, but it can express itself more in the family sphere and does not yet have the capacity to become a great role model for relationship and art.
Germany is in an iron struggle and it will not assert itself meaningfully in the sense of a nation or a group, but through single individuals, will lead to a growing perspective in the world. However, the coming year will produce, on the one hand, individuals, who are very willing to make sacrifices and, on the other, a large number of people, who fall into apathy and feel like they are victims of the times. Germany will demonstrate very strong processes of division. The spirit of Germany should be, however, of very high quality due to Goethe, due to the philosophers and due to scientific diligence.
Iran can achieve a relatively large peace mission for the future, because it is in a growing cultural development. In particular the women, who are constantly suppressed and controlled by the “morality police” in this country, will gain significance in the future. The more this country independently overcomes its fundamentalistically inclined culture, the more forces of peace will spread over into other nations as a result of this overcoming of limits. The country itself is vast and offers a very great diversity. In some regions, beautiful forces of emancipation are literally rising up, while in others, one-sided religious fundamentalist imperative restricts people’s development. Iran also has a hidden capacity for science and for a good thought activity.
America can create the first new cultural oases, which will provide a better basis for peace out of the land itself and give the people a first feeling for their homeland. Basically, average Americans still have very little relationship to their own country and therefore feel like they need to expand out into other countries. America could become a country at the core of its originality that would be a model of justice. Freemasonry could become positively established there. The road, however, will still be very long and arduous and for the time being an infinite expenditure is visible in American politics. However, through growing cultural oases in small regions and through spiritual influences from outside, the country and its citizens can soon develop a task of mediation for peace. Nevertheless, economic hardships must arise for this hidden side to begin to germinate in the people of the West.

Section of a picture from Wikimedias Commons with added text
Taiwan is highly coveted both by China as well as America due to economic interest. It is home to the most ideal moon, which is capable of intellectual achievement. The capacity in the field of computer science and communication technology makes it an asset to the whole world.
In the future, every country will once again strive for a certain degree of independence and European politics will lose its influence.
Practical tips for implementing this annual forecast will be given in another article.2) Title picture: Wikimedia Commons, a section
⇑1 | How many doctors at the moment are being pursued by the courts or are even arrested, because in the corona period they would not orientate their work according to the political guidelines? |
⇑2 | Title picture: Wikimedia Commons, a section |