Originally posted in German on 31st December 2024
Descriptions by Heinz Grill

The archangel emerges as if out of a flame, lifting itself free from all earthly substances. He is not visible to the eye. Furthermore, similar to the Angelos, he cannot be felt on a simple level, because he is too expansive, sublime and a pure, creative, spiritual figure.
In this depiction, he is carrying a key in his hand. He is usually portrayed with a spear, which pushes down a dragon or the tempting nature of man. In addition to this traditional picture, however, the archangel has that great significance of transferring contentful thoughts to another region – and they must actually be contentful, mature and universal thoughts – from people who study, realise and manifest them. Telepathy is a kind of physical thought transferral. However, great and worthwhile content that people accomplish through studying and practicing, are not transferred telepathically from one place to another. Rather, it is the archangel who takes them up and as holder of the key absorbs them and with a light-filled inspiration transfers them to another country or to another group of people.
The second depiction indicates this transferral and explains how a kind of spiritual function, which people generally like to call telepathy, takes place.